The Canadian government continues to search far and wide for a motive as to why the man with links to “extremist elements” would kill a soldier and storm parliament. Not surprising since they are still puzzled by the vehicular jihadi who killed a soldier just a few days ago even though he yelled “Allah u Akbar” while doing it.
Progressives in Canada are already blaming the gun laws in the nation for being to lenient for the Parliament shooting. As if jihadis would adhere to laws while killing Canadian soldiers.
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau – the Parliament shooter – was a convert to Islam, and what he did was exactly what the Global Islamic Movement has stated should be done by those answering the call to jihad.
The Canadian government appears unaware that the majority of the Islamic organizations in its nation are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood whose goals are the same there as they are for the U.S. – Civilization Jihad. The MB sees all of North America as the target. The MB in Canada has created a jihadi network which rivals that of the U.S.
Here is a way to honor the death of a fine Canadian soldier like Corporal Nathan Cirillo who was killed by Zehaf-Bibeau: stop appeasing the jihadis across Canada and deal with them as the combatants they are. Otherwise, be prepared Canada – this is not even the tip of the iceberg.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.