With 19 US embassies being kept closed due to significant, credible terrorist threats to US and Western interests abroad, state and local law enforcement continue to expose themselves and citizens to danger because they are ignorant of the burgeoning jihadi network here at home, much less how to deal with events are widely held to be “normal” police activity.
The implications of the US v Holy Land Foundation trial (Dallas 2008) are critical for all American citizens to understand, especially law enforcement. The organizations identified by evidence in that trial reveal a massive jihadi network in America led by the Muslim Brotherhood. Organizations like the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) – a Hamas entity as demonstrated by the evidence in the HLF trial – and other organizations educate and train jihadis, and support jihadi operations in America in a variety of ways. There are over 2,100 Islamic Centers in America, many of which are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood which describes these centers as the “axis of our Movement” from which jihads are launched.
The 9/11 report detailed the support given to hijackers Nawaf al Hazmi and Khalid al Mihdhar by the Islamic community in San Diego and especially the Islamic Center of San Diego. The purchase and registration of their vehicle, cash, wire transfers, assistance in obtaining driver’s licenses and the like were all a part of the assistance given to these jihadis. (9/11 Commission Report page 220).
We know that the Muslim Brotherhood entities (MAS and ICNA for example) teach American Muslims in formal courses that they must “wage war” against “un-Islamic” governments to overthrow them and impose Sharia (Islamic Law).
Today there are over 600 Muslim Students Association chapters at every major college and university in America. There are approximately 250 “Islamic Societies” across the country which are subsidiaries of ISNA. There are over a thousand Islamic Centers in America controlled by the MB. We know the President of ISNA moderates panel discussions at CIA Headquarters, received awards from the FBI, briefs national security staffs, sits on the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council, and works directly with the Secretary of State. This network and its influence is necessarily a significant national security threat, and when the enemy is in such powerful positions to influence our leadership, those sworn to protect us find themselves without any fact/evidence-based training of the Brotherhood, Islamic Law, and the real threat.
At the ground level this translates into a dangerous situation for local and state law enforcement officers and investigators. When three young men in the Boston are are murdered with their heads severed, the first thing a homicide investigator trained in jihadi tactics and doctrine would immediately ask is who the victims knew who is a Muslim and a likely suspect. This is not profiling, its police work. When a car plows into a Catholic Church during Mass – as happened this past Sunday in Vienna, Virginia, officers should suspect this is an act of jihad – especially in light of the current global threat alert that attacks during Ramadan are highly likely. If they are incorrect in this assumption, there is no harm in being overly cautious. Had the driver been a jihadi, officers could have been killed if the car was a failed Vehicle bomb. If this were a dry run, there were likely “watchers” observing the police response in which case officers could have looked for likely observation points and checked them out. None of this occurred because they have not been trained to do so.
The failure by our federal government to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood network in America that is RAISING A JIHADI GENERATION is putting our state and local law enforcement agencies in grave danger. That is why this problem must be solved at the local and state level.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.