by John D. Guandolo

There are few pictures better than the one above to help Americans understand the depth of the corrupted cabal working against America’s Constitutional Republic and free people everywhere.
The “Guest of Honor” for the “Forum of Collaboration Between International Organisations on Humanitarian Aid” – Mohammad bin Abulkarim Al-Issa – is one of the leading jihadis on planet earth.
Al-Issa is the leader of the International Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim World League (MWL).
Founded in Saudi Arabia in the early 1960’s, the Muslim World League was the first international front group for the Muslim Brotherhood and is a global terrorist organization.
See evidence of MWL’s ties to Al Qaeda and other terrorist networks HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Now look at the picture above at all the smiling faces of the leaders helping to advance the global jihadi agenda of the Global Islamic Movement led by the International Muslim Brotherhood, and you will see the following organizations represented:
- World Health Organization
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- World Council of Churches
- World Food Programme
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
While the global threat to liberty is vast and growing, the key to victory remains at the LOCAL level.
UTT wants to encourage Patriots to see and understand the depth and breadth of the global threat and all of the associated collaborators, but keep in mind the war must be fought and won at the county level.
Bring UTT’s 2-day INTO ACTION training program to your community today!
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John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.