You might have read in the paper that a gunman took hostages at a bank in St. Joseph, Louisiana this summer, but you probably don’t know the assailant’s identity, motives, or where he was from. The report that consumers of mainstream news read only says that a deranged gunman took hostages at a bank in St. Joseph; police stormed the bank; the gunman shot and killed two hostages; and police shot and kill the assailant. End of story, right?
Wrong! That’s not the whole story!
How derelict is our national media when yet another act of jihad is reported as a “random hostage taking?” Most stories about the incident don’t even give the hostage-taker’s name!
Investigative “Clue” #1: Maybe the gunman’s name offers a clue to his motive? Fuaed Abdo Ahmed was a twenty-year old male of Yemeni descent who traveled to Yemen this summer for reasons as yet unknown to the FBI, and was detained at a US airport upon his return to the United States.
Investigative “Clue” #2: Ahmed’s photograph

As I wrote in my preceding blog post, the federal government’s total inability to identify the Global Islamic Movement as a threat to our country is costing American lives.
Examples of Media Dereliction
When Muslims in America ram motor vehicles into crowds, they aren’t committing “vehicular jihad;” they are simply “deranged,” according to the media.
When Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed Army Private Andy Long in Little Rock, Arkansas, the Department of Justice prosecuted Long’s killing, not as an act of terrorism, but as a common murder, despite the perpetrator’s insistence that his was an act of “jihad.”
When self-proclaimed mujahid, U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot and killed more than a dozen people at Fort Hood, our government designated the bloody massacre “workplace violence.” Investigative “Clue” #3: “Mujahid” is Arabic for “holy warrior.”
I believe we now have a legitimate basis for holding our national leaders “incompetent to defend us” in any way whatsoever!
It is time for local and state leaders to take back their own streets, one town, one county, and one state at a time.
Hat tip to for publishing the ground truth on this story. It is good to know that investigative journalism is not completely dead in America.
© 2013 Guandolo Associates LLC

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.