JG Blog


What's New?

by John D. Guandolo

Silence in the face of evil is a participation in evil itself.

On Saturday evening, a man shot people near a mall in Allen, Texas. As of the writing of this article, 7 people are dead, several wounded, and police shot and killed the assailant.

This article is not about the incident itself. This article addresses the curious “outrage” and “shock” being expressed across Texas and the United States.

Why is anyone “shocked”?

Logic, reason and discernment teach us there are consequences for decisions. So let us reflect for a moment.

There is widespread agreement that killing innocent people is objectively wrong and evil.

Or is there?

“If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?…Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Saint Teresa of Calcutta, National Prayer Breakfast, February 5, 1994

Today in the United States it is okay to kill babies in their mother’s wombs at the rate of approximately 900,000 a year. The number was well over 1 million a year for many years and over 1.5 million per year from 1980 through 1992.

On the low end that puts the total number of babies killed in America at about 64 million in the last 50 years.

Seems like genocide.

Incredibly, many legislators are pushing to legalize killing babies after they are born.

This is not a “social issue” – this is a significant national security matter.

America’s law and government is based on the moral standard – the “Ideal” – as articulated in the Declaration of Independence: “The Law of Nature and of Nature’s God” – legally defined at the time of America’s founding as the will of God as he reveals himself in nature, and Holy Scripture, respectively.

This is why Bibles were found in American schools from the time the first settlers arrived in the early 1600’s until the mid-1960’s.

The Old Testament of the Bible provides the Ten Commandments given to God by Moses, and the exhortation to love God and love neighbor. The New Testament of the Bible contains the 2 Great Commandments of Jesus: Love God and Love thy Neighbor.

These moral imperatives were and are the foundation of America’s law and government.

It is no wonder that after Bibles were pulled from U.S. schools in the 1960’s and God was pushed out of the public square, violence in America dramatically increased while the respect for authority and law & order began to fade.

Once you open the door and let the wolf in your home, you have no ability to then tell it where to go or what to do.

So it is with evil. When you push what is right and just out the door and then embrace evil, you lose control of where it goes and how it manifests itself.

It is out of this understanding that Understanding the Threat (UTT) embraces the principles that must be followed if America is to restore its Constitutional Republic:

  1. Speak truth boldly about the enemies of liberty.
  2. Obey the law (citizens); Enforce the law (police).
  3. Restore America’s Founding Principles.

As the dust settles around Allen, Texas, vigils will be held, politicians will use the victims and their families to advance their self-indulgent and destructive ends, and flags will fly at half mast.

Yet, the battle against the real evils in our society will be lost until citizens collectively begin lawfully engaging the individuals and organizations advancing these evils.

Stay tuned for republicans who are going to introduce “common sense gun control legislation” to appease the communists/democrats and sell Patriots down the river…again.

One Response

  1. John Guandolo, I have followed UTT for many years, and I thank you and your people for what you do.
    Please hold the line,
    James W. Nelson

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