John Guandolo being introduced Wednesday evening at a public presentation in Culpeper, VA by Sheriff Scott Jenkins
It is now clear to the law enforcement officers, leaders, and citizens of Culpeper, Virginia why the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) worked so hard to shut down the 3-day training program put on by Understanding the Threat this week – because the massive amount of evidence put forth by the U.S. government reveals CAIR was created and continues to operate as a Hamas organization here. Hamas is designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the U.S. government.
Those who were actually in the classroom for the three days now understand the threat from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement here – something a vast majority did not know prior to the course – primarily because Hamas (doing business as “CAIR”) previously had success in shutting down this type of evidence-driven training for the men and women who need it most.
Here are just a few of the comments from the law enforcement professionals who came from across the nation to attend this program:
“I recommend that this class is taken by any and all Law Enforcement officers in the United States. A real eye opener.”
“I believe that the information provided in this course was thoughtful, detailed, very informative, and should be made available to every law enforcement officer.”
“Very informative, eye opening and definitely cause for concern. Should be taken by any and all LE and upper governmental agencies.”
“Critical information for every law enforcement officer.”
“This is not about Muslims/Islam practicing religion…”
“My overall impression of the class is its a must for all defenders of the Constitution. I have learned an enormous amount of information that I was unaware of.”
“Powerful, relevant. This information – barely known – will change the way you view the enemy. The truth and knowledge are powerful.”
“I have retired from two police agencies, and currently work in a third. I have performed duties as a road officer, Detective, Supervisor, and Commander. I have never been made aware of this most important and scary information.”
“Overall excellent. Provides me with tools and info to use on my job.”
“This course was factual, fascinating, and terrifying. It provided me with a deluge of information all applicable in the area of counter-terrorism based research.”
“You gave me the tools to work criminal cases and establish the facts as to the ties to terrorism.”
“This course is an eye opener and forces you to stop and re-evaluate how you conduct and will conduct your day to day law enforcement duties. Highly recommended.”
“In today’s world this training is a must for all law enforcement personnel.”
“This course should be part of basic training to all law enforcement and military.”
The spokesman for Hamas (doing business as “CAIR”), Corey Saylor, told a local Culpeper news outlet – Star Exponent – that lead instructor John Guandolo’s claim “CAIR is Hamas” is a “lie.”
Apparently Mr. Saylor is unaware the Department of Justice lists CAIR as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in America. He must also be unaware the large amount of testimonial and documentary evidence, including FBI recordings of the CAIR founders at a meeting of Hamas members in Philadelphia in 1993, reveals CAIR was created with the mandate of supporting Hamas.
In a December 2007 government filing in the US v Sabri Benkhala appeal, the government stated: “From its founding by the Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists.” This is why CAIR wants to shut down this type of training for the men and women in America whose job it is to protect our citizens and our communities.
At the end of the day, American’s must decide whether they will believe the words of Hamas members, or facts entered into evidence at the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history. Americans must also ask themselves why the current Administration, specifically the U.S. Attorney General, halted criminal proceedings against CAIR, thus allowing them to continue to operate freely in the U.S. as an agent of Hamas – a terrorist organization.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.