by John D. Guandolo
The Battles of Tours and Lepanto, Christopher Columbus’ adventures, and America’s first war all have one thing in common – they all remind us Islam’s history is filled with unrelenting war against the non-muslim world.
The Battle of Tours
In the Battle of Tours (October 10, 732), Charles “The Hammer” Martel led the forces of Europe against the Islamic forces of the Umayyad Caliphate, and were victorious against the muslims. This was a tremendous, and some say miraculous, victory for the Christian West against the Islamic forces.
Christopher Columbus
This Monday, October 11th, America will celebrate “Columbus Day.”
Christopher Columbus was commissioned by his queen in 1492 to discover new trade routes because many of the routes were controlled by Islamic forces.
Why in 1492?
1492 was the year Spanish forces came down from the mountains of Spain, defeated the muslim forces, pushed them out, and took back their homeland which had been seized by muslims for approximately 780 years.
This is called the Reconquista of Spain.
The Battle of Lepanto
In the 16th century, the Islamic Caliphate – the Ottoman Empire – continued its incursion into Western lands, including the Mediterranean.
In the spring of 1570, the 4th Ottoman-Venetian war began when Muslim Turks attacked Cyprus. Venetian soldiers fought for nearly a year, but on August 5, 1571, Cyprus fell.
The Venetians agreed to surrender terms offered by the Turkish commander, Lala Mustafa, who agreed to give them safe passage to Crete on Turkish ships. Instead, the Venetians were stripped of their clothes, chained to the oars of the Turkish ships, and forced to row.
The Muslims beheaded the Venetian commanders and hung their heads on the mast of their ships.
In response to the unprovoked assault on Western Christian nations/communities, Pope Pius V formed the Holy League with forces from the Papal States, the Habsburg States in Italy and Spain, monarchies of Tuscany, Savoy and elsewhere, the Knights of Malta, and others, in order to defend Cyprus and push back the Islamic forces.
On October 7, 1571, the naval forces of the Holy League met the Islamic Ottoman Turks in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece).

Europe was in unified prayer because the defeat of the Holy League could have meant the unrestrained flood of Mohammad’s Armies deeper into Europe, and the Ottoman’s had a formidable naval force.
Prior to the battle, the entire Holy League fleet prayed the Holy Rosary.
In what many believe was miraculous, the Holy League defeated the Ottomans in this great naval battle, now referred to as the Battle of Lepanto.
Read a more detailed account of the Battle of Lepanto by UTT here.
Islam’s Attack on the New America
The first war America fought after the American Revolution was fought against muslims who seized U.S. ships on the high seas, captured Americans, and charged the United States great sums of money as tribute.
President Thomas Jefferson sent the Marines to Tripoli in 1804 to defeat the muslims who were conducting unprovoked attacks on Americans as described above. The English translation of the Koran Jefferson obtained encouraged readers to study it so the Islamic enemy could be understood and defeated in battle.

The reason the U.S. Constitution allows for a standing Navy and “Letters of Mark” is, in large part, because of Islamic aggressors.
It is now October 2021. Has the West learned any lessons at all from this history?
While countries like England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and many others are overrun with sharia-adherent muslims openly working to destroy liberty, financial security, personal safety, leaders of these nations cower.
What will America – the last best hope on earth for mankind – do?

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
54 Responses
Perry Stone: Is the Seven-Sealed Book Now Being Opened? | Episode #1096 |
Oct. 8, 2021
Watch a portion of this message Perry ministered at the 2021 Prophetic Summit.
Website: https: //perrystone. org/
PSTV: https: //perrystone. tv/
Save Yourself From What is Coming | Perry Stone. Listen at 31:00 to the end.
The Fall of Afghanistan and the Beast Link | Episode #1093 | Perry Stone
Sept. 17, 2021
America’s Apocalyptic Reset: Unmasking the Radical’s Blueprints to Silence Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives
by Perry Stone
https: //amzn. to/3j1Xl8e
Look Inside Book: Read The Introduction: https: //amzn. to/3aDvYwR
Perry Stone’s Books: https: //amzn. to/3aBe5yA
The U.S.A. In End Time Bible Prophecy: The 2020 Election Alters Our Future
by Earl Bristow
https: //amzn. to/3lKQXnX
Look Inside Book: https: //amzn. to/3lA8fE2
‘Stone Cold and Deaf’
by Fr. P.J. Kalchik • • October 13, 2021
Quito Pt. 3: The Statue and the Extinguished Lamp: Our Lady of Good Success.
1. https: //www. ourladyofgoodsuccess. com/collections/books
2. https: //www. ourladyofgoodsuccess. com/
3. https: //houseofmaryomd. org
4. Many informative articles here: BLOG: https: //www. ourladyofgoodsuccess. com/blogs/news
Perry Stone: America’s Chastisement and Abandonment | Episode #1085 |
July 23, 2021 – America was founded by GOD The LORD.
Watch This Video! ~
The Church’s Greatest Danger No One is Talking About | Perry Stone
July 7, 2021
IMPORTANT INFO! Watch & Share This Video! A GREAT Reminder To People!
by Nadia Hazimeh • • October 9, 2021
Arming for Spiritual Warfare
“Catholics are suiting up to fight in today’s spiritual battle, with the weapon of choice being the Rosary. Our Lady gave us the Rosary to fight against evil and to remain devoted [and faithful to ALMIGHTY GOD The SAVIOR, LORD JESUS CHRIST The Messiah, GOD The Divine Physician and Healer in The ALMIGHTY, FOREVER ALIVE, FOREVER LIVING, and FOREVER-LIFE GIVING, INFINITE CREATOR GOD The Father, Son & Holy Spirit, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY] with her. Church Militant’s Nadia Hazimeh explains the upcoming Rosary Coast to Coast that everyone can join.
The fourth annual Rosary Coast to Coast is rallying again this Sunday, Oct. 10. America is joining the spiritual battle by praying the Glorious Mysteries at 4 p.m. Eastern Time.
Rosary Coast to Coast trailer: “Throughout the world, men and women have been moved by only what can be discerned as a clarion call of the Holy Spirit.” The initiative’s website reads, “The forces of evil are becoming even more extreme in their positions against life from conception to birth to natural death and the sanctity of marriage and family.”
A 54-day Rosary novena for our nation just wrapped up Thursday, amplifying the powers of the Rosary Coast to Coast.
Rosary Coast to Coast trailer: “Saint Padre Pio and St. Maximilian Kolbe both agree — there is no stronger weapon in the spiritual battle than the Rosary.”
National coordinator Fr. Richard Heilman explained to Church Militant in 2018 the reason Satan runs rampant today: “We removed our spiritual armor — grace — and dropped our spiritual weapons, such as the Rosary. We have been naked on the battlefield of spiritual warfare.”
Continued Here:
Our Lady, The Virgin Mother of GOD, Mary, Protects Women From ISIS
by Rodney Pelletier • • October 27, 2016
“The Virgin Mary closed their eyes from seeing us.”
“KIRKUK, Iraq ( – Seven Iraqi women are revealing they were protected from ISIS by the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
“ reported that in 2015, Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme, head of the diocese of Maiduguri in Nigeria’s Borno State, said he experienced a vision of Our Lord, Who held a sword and silently handed it to Bp. Doeme. In the bishop’s hands the sword turned into a Rosary, and then Our Lord told him three times, ‘Boko Haram is gone.'”
Continued Here: https: //www. women-from-isis
A Truly Great, Amazing, and Urgently Important Recommended Must Read Book!!
I highly recommend that people read and share this truly outstanding book below that explains so much vitally important information about many historically accurate prophecies and current worldwide warnings of GOD The SAVIOR LORD JESUS CHRIST, Our Lady, The Mother of GOD, Mary; and the soon coming events that will occur on earth; and how to daily prepare our souls to greet the Return of ALMIGHTY GOD, The Savior of Humanity & The Messiah, LORD JESUS CHRIST Who is Immanuel “God With Us” – https: //biblehub. com/isaiah/7-14.htm
The Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace Paperback – Dec. 1, 1993 (First edition).
by Ted and Maureen Flynn (Author), Malachi Martin (Foreword)
https: //amzn. to/3FzMtYS
# # #
The Thunder of Justice – September 1, 2010 (Updated)
by Ted and Maureen Flynn (Author)
Look Inside Book: https: //amzn. to/3FxH98t
Iraqi Archbishop Holds First Mass After ISIS Flees
by Rodney Pelletier • • November 3, 2016
Damaged cathedral recaptured from ISIS after two years
“QARAQOSH, Iraq ( – The archbishop of Mosul is celebrating the first Mass in his cathedral since ISIS took over in 2014.
On Sunday, October 30, Abp. Youhanna Boutros Moshe and four priests celebrated Mass in the burned-out Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in the newly liberated city of Qaraqosh.
Also called Bakhdida, the city is located in northern Iraq in the region called the Nineveh Plain, which surrounds the ancient city of Nineveh, now called Mosul.”
Continued Here:
French Catholics to Pray National Rosary
by David Nussman • • February 19, 2018
Nation’s Catholics to gather for prayer on April 28
Our Lady of Victory, Pray For Us!
Oct. 7 – The Feast of Our Lady of The Holy Rosary
Fr. William P. Saunders
October 8, 2008
“Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!” was the fervent prayer of all of the faithful in the fall of 1571. Why? First, some historical background. At the time, the Muslim Turks were ravaging Eastern Europe. In 1453, Constantinople had fallen to the Muslims, leaving the Balkans and Hungary vulnerable.
In 1521, Belgrade and most of Hungary had fallen. With Muslim raids along the coast of Italy, the control of the Mediterranean was in jeopardy. Never forget the Muslims adhered to the Quran precept: “And slay (the infidel) wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out. The calamity suffered by the believers is more severe than the murder of unbelievers; but do not fight them by the Sacred Mosque before they fight you there. If they fight you, slay them.” (Quran 2:187/191).
In February 1570, the Turkish ambassador delivered an ultimatum to the Republic of Venice: Cede the island of Cyprus peacefully or face war. Venice refused, and after 11 months of war, Cyprus fell to Muslim control Aug. 1, 1571. The surrender terms provided for the safety of the defeated Christian army.
However, once the Muslim commander took control of the city, he ordered the Christian commander, Marcantonio Bragadin, to be skinned alive. His skin was stuffed with straw, dressed in his uniform and dragged through the city. The Christians realized what kind of enemy they were facing. Remember, in all Muslim occupied lands, Christians were treated like serfs, being forced to pay the jizya, a punitive tax for being a Christian, and were forbidden to leave town without permission, deprived of economic advancement, a horse or a weapon – all intended to coerce their conversion to Islam.
‘Mary of the Rosary made us victors'” […]
Continued Here:,_pray_for_us/
Please Watch and Share This!
Prophecies of Maria Esperanza, Servant of God of Betania
Sept. 9, 2021
“In this video we explore the Prophecies of Maria Esperanza, the Servant of God of Betania, Venezuela. Throughout her life, Maria had mystical gifts included healings, prophecy, reading of souls, discernment of spirits, the stigmata, transverberation, bilocation, the fragrance of flowers and perfume emanating from her person, miraculous materialization of roses, and visions and locutions of Jesus, Mary and the saints.”
See: 1:40 to 2:00. Please Watch & Share This Video:
A Truly Great, Amazing, and Urgently Important Recommended Must Read Book!!
I highly recommend that people read and share this truly outstanding book below that explains so much vitally information about many historically accurate prophecies and current worldwide warnings of GOD The SAVIOR LORD JESUS CHRIST, Our Lady, The Mother of GOD, Mary; and the soon coming events that will occur on earth; and how to daily prepare our souls to greet the Return of ALMIGHTY GOD, The Savior of Humanity & The Messiah, LORD JESUS CHRIST Who is Immanuel “God With Us” – https: //biblehub. com/isaiah/7-14.htm
The Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace Paperback – Dec. 1, 1993 (First edition).
by Ted and Maureen Flynn (Author), Malachi Martin (Foreword)
# # #
The Thunder of Justice – September 1, 2010 (Updated)
by Ted and Maureen Flynn (Author)
Look Inside Book: https: //amzn. to/3FxH98t
Other Highly Recommended Great Must Read Books To Read and Share!
The Humble & Obedient Holy Mother of GOD, Our Lady, Mary Is …
She Who Shows the Way: Heaven’s Messages for Our Turbulent Times –
September 15, 2020
by Christine Watkins (Author)
Look Inside Book: https: //amzn. to/3Aw8EM7
# # #
The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience – Illustrated,
September 28, 2019
by Christine Watkins (Author), Bishop Gavin Ashenden (Foreword)
https: //amzn. to/30aihDv
# # #
Mary’s Mantle Consecration: A Spiritual Retreat for Heaven’s Help – Illustrated,
January 24, 2019
by Christine Watkins (Author), Msgr James Murphy (Foreword), & Two More
https: //amzn. to/3iRnQgz
# # #
Inside the Light: Understanding the Message of Fatima –
October 27, 2020
by Sr. Angela de Fatima Coelho (Author)
Look Inside Book: https: //amzn. to/2YEXgAh
Other Highly Recommended Great Must Read Books To Read and Share!
Through Gates of Splendor –
October 14, 1981
by Elisabeth Elliot (Author)
https: //amzn. to/3mLC4Rt
# # #
The Coming Three Days of Darkness Paperback – Are You Prepared? –
December 14, 2015
by Joanne M Ballinger (Author)
Look Inside Book: https: //amzn. to/3DyXrMH
# # #
The Great Tribulation A Catholic Perspective: Chastisement, 3 Days Darkness, The Great Monarch, The Great Pope
by Michael Freze | May 1, 2016 – A recent endorsement: “I have to say that of the many books I have read (having multiple degrees in theology – including my Doctorate from Columbia University) your “They Bore the Wounds of Christ: The Mystery of the Sacred Stigmata…” is one of my all time favorites. In fact, not only do I continue to refer to it, but there are certain passages that you explain that could only be attributable to infused divine inspiration. Please continue to write … Peace, Deacon Mike Vicinanza.”
https: //amzn. to/2YJ4aVh
# # #
The Imitation of Christ – September 18, 2003
by Thomas à Kempis (Author), Aloysius Croft (Translator), Harold Bolton (Translator)
“This classic of Christian devotional literature has brought understanding and comfort to millions for centuries. Both Protestants and Catholics — as well as mystics and historians of religious thought — have studied these meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus, finding in them a path to prayer and spiritual guidance. Written in a candid and conversational style, The Imitation of Christ discusses liberation from worldly inclinations, recollection as a preparation for prayer, the consolations of prayer, and the place of eucharistic communion in a devout life. With its simple, readable text, this translation will appeal to new readers as well as to those already familiar with this religious classic.”
https: //amzn. to/3FEqeBo
WAYNE ROOT: We All Know Biden is Not in Charge. So, Who is Really Running the Country? The Answer Will Shock You.
By Wayne Allyn Root
October 10, 2021
“We are being hit from a thousand directions. It’s all about weakening and destroying America, while giving the advantage to China and the CCP.
And it’s all right out of the communist playbook- a combination of the Cloward-Piven strategy I learned at Columbia University (alongside my classmate Barack Obama) and “Rules for Radicals,” written by Saul Alinsky and dedicated to Lucifer (the devil).
I explain this evil conspiracy in detail in my new national #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.”
But what matters now is how we respond. I believe the only answer is to fight fire with fire. No more playing nice. No more turning the other cheek.
In my new book, I make the case why we must model Dr. Martin Luther King. It’s time for protests, boycotts, strikes, intimidation and civil disobedience. No more “Silent Majority.” We must become the LOUD in-your-face majority. We must become battle-hardened warriors.
We are fighting a conspiracy of the three of the most powerful evil groups in America’s history – Obama, Soros and the Chinese Communist Party. We must fight like our lives and freedom depend on it…
Because they do.”
Biden Begs OPEC and US Oil Companies to Pump More Oil as Prices Surge After He Cracked Down on US Production (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
October 14, 2021
This is Urgently Important Information to share concerning the approved visits of GOD ALMIGHTY The Messiah LORD JESUS CHRIST The Savior of Humanity, and Our Lady, The Virgin Mother of GOD, Mary, and St. Michael the Archangel; and
information about many current Warnings and Prophecies given by LORD JESUS CHRIST, and Our Lady, The Mother of GOD, Mary.
Detailed information and links about the miracles that THE ALMIGHTY and INFINITE CREATOR of Life, GOD The Father, Son & Holy Spirit, The Most Holy Trinity is giving humanity to bring people back to GOD’s Divine Love and Mercy are below.
Daily people are commanded by GOD to turn back to GOD, daily repent and pray, and to daily learn, daily OBEY and daily share GOD’s Holy Bible Commandments and Holy Bible teachings, and so GOD can rescue you and I to join ALMIGHTY GOD in GOD’s Kingdom of GOD Heaven Forever Life in eternity. GOD daily commands people to Trust and to Follow the Forever Alive ALMIGHTY GOD The Son LORD JESUS CHRIST on earth into The Eternal Kingdom of GOD in eternity, where ALMIGHTY GOD, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Is Alive Forever and Lives Forever in GOD’s infinite dimensional, celestial eternal light and glorious infinite purity, in GOD’s Forever Living infinite power, truth and wisdom, constant miracles and awe-inspiring infinite and eternally august majesty.
(2) http: //MiracleHunter. com/miracles/
(3) Marian Apparitions: View Them Through History: http: //MiracleHunter. com/marian_apparitions/index.html
(4) Bishop Approved Apparitions with Vatican Recognition: History, Visionaries, Messages Traditionally Approved:
http: //miraclehunter. com/marian_apparitions/ approved_apparitions/bishop.html
(5) Vatican Approved I Bishop Approved I Coptic Approved for Faith Expression I
http: //MiracleHunter. com/marian_apparitions/ approved_apparitions/vatican.html
(6) Apparitions to Saints: http: //MiracleHunter. com/marian_apparitions/ saints/index.html
(7) Unapproved Apparitions: http: //MiracleHunter. com/marian_apparitions/ unapproved_apparitions/index.html
(8) Miracle Hunter: Video & TV Info: http: //MiracleHunter. com/tv/index.html
(9) Incorruptibles: http: //MiracleHunter. com/incorruptibles/index.html
(10) Discernment: http: //MiracleHunter. com/marian_apparitions/discernment/index.html
(11) Meet the Miracle Hunter: Michael O’Neill Explains and Explores the Miraculous – Dec. 2018 – https: //aleteia. org/2016/08/30/ meet-the-miracle-hunter/
(12) Radio: https: //SpiritCatholicRadio. com/program/the-miracle-hunter/
# # #
5 Things to Know About Marian Apparitions | Explorer
Watch and Share! https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=RwLzd7JMC90&t=86sare
Our Sunday Visitor
Sep. 12
Do you doubt the Real Presence? Learn about these Eucharistic miracles from Michael O’Neill, the @miraclehunter
https: //bityl. co/8dTu
Green Bay Local 5 – Meet the Miracle Hunter –
Explaining the Faith – Our Lady of Guadalupe: Patroness of Life
Divine Mercy. Revelation 12:1 – https: //biblehub. com/niv/revelation/12.htm
www. TheDivineMercy. org
Watch and Share!
# # #
The Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Full Length)
https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=xe4Ozm0oENk
Before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors to the North American continent, Aztec Indians were the residents of the city of Tenochtitlan, modern-day Mexico City, who believed in and served many false gods. The Aztec Indians frequently killed infants and many other humans of all ages in order to offer them as human blood offerings to their evil false gods and idols. According to their beliefs, they had to offer human blood to their false gods and evil idols in order to keep the sun moving across the sky and preserve their very lives, otherwise the world would end.
“This appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe was very important to the history of our continent. You see, the Aztec Indians and the Spaniards were on the brink of war. The Aztec Indians’ culture and religion were very different from the Spaniards. The Aztec Indians worshipped gods, to whom they would offer human sacrifices, often killing 50,000 people a year. The Spaniards, who were Catholic, were naturally disgusted by this. But they were cruel to the Aztecs too, treating them like animals and sometimes killing them for no reason. If a war had occurred, it would have been very brutal and the Spaniards and Christianity would have been totally wiped out.
Mary’s appearance changed everything, however. It helped the Indians to embrace Christianity and it helped the Spaniards to treat the Indians with respect and as human beings. In the course of seven years, 6,000,000 Indians converted to the Catholic faith. This was the biggest conversion in the history of the Church! This is why Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the
Americas. Juan Diego, the humble man to whom she appeared, was canonized in the summer of 2002.
Mary’s appearance also put an end to the worship of stone gods and the ritual of human sacrifice. We pray for Mary’s help today to bring an end to the human sacrifice of God’s children through abortion and to convert non-believers. Our Lady of Guadalupe is also called the Patroness of the Unborn.”
See: https: //www. archbalt. org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/gTHE-STORY-OF-OUR-LADY-OF-GUADALUPE. pdf
See: https: //www. britannica. com/biography/St-Juan-Diego
Explaining the Christian Faith – Our Lady of Guadalupe: Patroness of Life
Divine Mercy. Revelation 12:1 – https: //biblehub. com/niv/revelation/12.htm
www. TheDivineMercy. org
Watch and Share!
The gripping true story about a young woman who experienced the brutal genocidal history of Mao’s atheist Communist terrorist Revolution in China. Nora Lam was living a wealthy privileged life in China, and she and her parents were forced to live under Mao’s tyrannical totalitarian terrorist brutal genocidal Chinese Communist dictatorship. Mao’s savage, brutally evil and demonic atheist Chinese Communist soldiers sent Nora to be tortured and punished in their torture prisons and re-education work camps. They interrogated and tortured Nora often. Nora admitted to them that she was a Christian, which earned her a sentence of the death penalty punishment in Mao’s atheist Communist regime.
One night the atheist Communist Chinese evil and demonic terrorist genocidal soldiers lined Nora up to be shot in front of their brutal Communist firing squad. The brutal Communist soldiers took aim and fired their guns at Nora. ALMIGHTY GOD sent His Holy Angels to stand in front of Nora to shield Nora from their bullets. In GOD’s miraculous graces, and by Nora’s fierce tenacity, Nora was able to escape Mao’s Communist China into Japan. Later, ALMIGHTY GOD sent Nora to travel back to evangelize China and other countries as a Christian evangelist.
An Outstanding Must Read Book With Great Information People Need To Hear
China Cry – June 1, 1984
by Nora Lam (Author)
Firing Squad Scene (China Cry) Nora Lam
China Cry (1990) | Full Movie | Julia Nickson-Soul | Russell Wong | James Shigeta | France Nuyen
If Yuri Bezmenov (RIP). aka “Thomas Shuman”, the former KGB operative/defector and one of the rare individuals whose interviews on American TV in the 80s appeared to confirm that he actually knew what he was talking about with regard to the four stages of a communist takeover of a theretofore free country; Were he still here today, this is my take on what he would probably tell us: I.e., Forget about espionage, it only represents 15% at most of the Marxist master plan within which its contextually irrelevant. I.e., a “plan” which as a matter of fact only consists of but four distinct stages, and according to Bezmenov two of those were already in place in the United States by 1985 by virtue of there having been a relentless work-in-progress for the previous twenty-five and years under the control of communist “leaders” who emerged from the likes of Harvard and Yale in the early sixties and whose deep-seated removal from the federal government and other positions of power would have required at least another two decades, assuming that the will to exercise our Constitutional right to national sovereignty had even existed back then either.
Those were the “Demoralization” and “Destabilization ” stages which though extremely cruel, pernicious and contrived to be subtle were nonetheless inflicted in one way or another on our entire population, including the weak and the young and the newborn as well. While the third, or the “Crisis” stage I.e., the one we’re in now, which according to Bezmenov is by-far the most dangerous with regard to the imposition of even greater punitive measures than the ones we’ve grown to endure. Then finally we have the fourth and final “Normalization” stage to look forward to as we’re being shepherded into the timeless “Paradise” been promised where our children will be forbidden to learn how to count by their Buchenwald guards and where for all practical purposes our lives will have been relegated in every aspect to the whims of a sordid assortment of perverts and self-pitying sociopaths with a sadistic streak focusing on
Furthermore, though this is a paraphrased quote, with respect to substance its entirely accurate, thus could inspire some readers to literally “head for the hills”: For one of the things Bezmenov wanted to make clear was to warn the communist fellow travelers who may have been in the TV audience that one of the so-called housekeeping chores to which scrupulous attention was paid once 4th stage “Normalization” had been achieved in “Paradise”, was to arrest any of said American traitors who were known to be laboring under the asinine belief that the support, aid and comfort they had provided to the Marxist enemy’s cause entitled them to wield some sort of leadership in “Paradise”, and have them immediately executed as a risk to the national security of “Paradise”.
God Bless America and God Bless the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
JUST IN: Governor Abbott Bans Vaccine Mandates by ANY Entity in Texas
By Cristina Laila
Published October 11, 2021
“Governor Greg Abbott (R) on Monday banned vaccine mandates by any entity in Texas.
“The Covid vaccine should always remain voluntary and never forced,” Abbott said.
“Abbott issued an executive order stating that no entity in Texas can compel receipt of a Covid-19 vaccination by any individual, including an employee or consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from Covid-19,” the governor’s office announced.
Abbott said he will also add the issue to the Special Session agenda and rescind the executive order upon the passage of legislation.”
Video Captures Woman Suffering A Seizure After She Got The “Covid Vaccine”
HHS Senior COVID Advisor Says Trump Was Misled On Vaccines
By James Samson
October 14, 2021
“Alexander began by praising Trump, saying that he “was the greatest president in my lifetime, I would argue going back to Abraham Lincoln. I think what he did for minorities in the country was unbelievable. And I think in a second administration, he would have sealed everything up.
That being said, Alexander added that he vehemently disagrees with Trump on the vaccines, and he has a plea for him about them that he hopes the former president will heed.
“We have now serious questions about these vaccines,” Alexander explained. “And it is incumbent on President Trump to step back and understand that he was misled with these vaccines.
“I don’t blame him,” he continued, adding that Trump “was misled by scientific persons, those vaccine developers, in everything that they did. These vaccines are non-sterilizing, they are sub-optimal…They are actually harmful and causing death.”
Doctor Ryan Cole Shows How The “COVID-19 Vaccine” Damages Vital Organs In The Body – See The Shocking Evidence
August 25, 2021
Australians Injured & Killed By The “Covid Vaccine”
September 16, 2021
Doctor Issues Urgent Warning About The “COVID Vaccine.” Dr. Anne McCloskey (A Doctor For Over 40 Years) Describes The Injuries She Has Seen First Hand From The “COVID-19 Vaccine.”
August 31, 2021
Glorious! Brave Veteran Pilot Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates (VIDEO).
By Jim Hoft
October 11, 2021
Dr. Robert Young: Millions Have Died From The COVID Injections
By Tim Brown
October 13, 2021
Chicago Police Union’s Boss Tells Officers to Defy City Vaccine Deadline (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
October 14, 2021
“John Catanzara, the head of Chicago’s police union, advised police officers NOT to comply with the city’s COVID-19 mandatory vaccine and reporting requirements.
Catanzara told fellow officers to openly defy Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s vaccine deadline.”
Students Rising Up
by Nadia Hazimeh • • October 14, 2021
‘LARAMIE, Wyo. ( – Students across the country are fighting back against excessive COVID restrictions, which are on full display in the case of a 16-year-old Wyoming student who was arrested for not complying with a mask mandate.”
Dr. Mercola: Bill Gates Horrifying ID2020 Quantum Dot Tattoo – A Rockefeller Tracking Plan
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
May 21, 2020
Two Bombshell Interviews: John Moore Reveals Military Knowledge of Civilization-Ending Global Event, While Attorney Thomas Renz Warns of Coming Tidal Wave of Vaccine Mandate Lawsuits
By healthranger // 2021-08-01
“If you’re wondering why corrupt, criminal governments of the world seem to be in such a hurry to mass “vaccinate” everybody with a deadly, experimental, non-approved gene therapy injection, one of the most shocking answers may be simpler than you think. According to analyst and radio host John Moore (The Liberty Man), who has many contacts with high level U.S. Navy officers and scientists, a global extinction level event is approaching and the globalists are desperately trying to cull the human population before people figure out what’s about to happen.”
“There may not even be enough people to decommission the hundreds of nuclear power plants that are scattered across the planet, raising huge questions about what happens if they lose cooling capability and plunge into criticality. Watch the full interview here, which also includes a map of the water inundation that’s predicted to occur in the continental United States:”
https: //www. brighteon. com/04b12580-e267-4282-9bb6-0f2c2a13daa1
“A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” Revelation 12:1 https: //biblehub. com/revelation/ 12-1.htm
by Kathleen Heckenkamp
July 03, 2021
“A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
“Dear Friends,
Today is First Saturday. We pray that all, who are able to make it to Mass and the sacraments, will take advantage of this gift!
It is of great concern that our time is short before another -even more stringent – lockdown will be imposed!
For those of you that want to know the truth on what they intend to impose on us, we have the following link that you can see that is a leaked document. Signs are there that if we do not act – for me- that means prayer and penance- our country’s freedoms will be gone forever. And perhaps, as a nation, it is too late! We are in the midst of a CCP template for implementing Universal Communism!
And whatever you do: Please don’t take the v@x–ination! They want all of us dead spiritually first and then physically!
Please read the leaked document here:”
IMPORTANT INFO! Read and Share!
IMPORTANT INFO! Read and Share! https: //www. ourladyofgoodsuccess. com/blogs/news/a-great-sign-appeared-in-the-sky-a-woman-clothed-with-the-sun-with-the-moon-under-her-feet-and-on-her-head-a-crown-of-twelve-stars
But at that time shall St. Michael The Archangle rise up who stands for the children of thy people…
August 4, 2021
“But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who stands for the children of thy people: and a time shall come such as never was from the time that nations began even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book… But they that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity.” [Daniel 12: 1-3]
The beginning of the Lent of St. Michael begins on August 15th – let’s not forget to pray to him during this unprecedented time in the world. Please join and follow us …
This blog page is informational to help against the “powers” that wish us harm! Please click on following topics to access the documents.”
Advice For Those Mandated To Take The Bioweapon Genocidal Kill Shots: Your Civil Rights To Fully Informed_Consent
Catholic-Exemption Template
Vaccine-Exemption-Full-Military – https: //cdn. shopify. com/s/files/1/1164/7336/files/Vaccine-Exemption-Full-Military-PDF. pdf?v=1628121008
IMPORTANT INFORMATION, Includes The Above Exemption Forms:
BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General Fires Off Letter to Secretary of State — Demands Documents Based on Forensic Audit Results
By Jim Hoft
October 11, 2021
SCORCHED EARTH TIME IS COMING – AZ State Rep Wendy Rogers Wants “Less Letters, More ARRESTS”
By Jordan Conradson
October 11, 2021
“On Saturday, State Senator Wendy Rogers told her 208,000 Twitter followers that, she is about to go scorched earth if she doesn’t see progress from the Arizona Attorney General soon.
By progress, she meant a full criminal investigation including immediate indictments and arrests. In response to AG Brnovich’s latest request, Rogers tweeted, “Less letters, more subpoenas. Less requests, more warrants. Less talk, more arrests.”
Senator Rogers just tweeted, “Good night to everyone but @GeneralBrnovich who hasn’t done anything yet to fix our broken elections! Start arresting people!”
Based on the Arizona audit findings, statute violations, witness testimony, and the County’s refusal to cooperate, this election should have never been certified and Attorney General Mark Brnovich is failing our Nation.
Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich now and demand a full criminal investigation with arrests for the crime of the century.”
Continued Here:
Michiganders Demand Forensic Audit
by William Mahoney, Ph.D. • • October 13, 2021
Patriots Protest ‘Election Scam.’
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers: “DECERTIFY NOW – RECALL THE ELECTORS” – AG Brnovich NEEDS To Indict Supervisors
By Jordan Conradson
Published July 25, 2021
“If you want this audit completed, tell Attorney General Mark Brnovich to indict the Supervisors, NOW.
Contact Info: Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s Office | AZ Direct. Address. 2005 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004-2926, (602) 542-3454, Deputy Attorney General for Law & Policy. Edith Lefevre (602) 542-7922. See: https: //www. azag. gov/contact-us
“Maricopa County violated critical security procedures outlined in Arizona’s Elections Procedures Manual and they refuse to allow an investigation into the 2020 election.
It’s no wonder then that they refuse to deliver the routers, logs, and access keys.
Innocent people do not fight investigations so hard. Attorney General Brnovich should be leading the charge with indictments.”
Continued Here:
by Fr. Paul John Kalchik • • October 12, 2021
Daily Live and Share the Fatima Message and Prayers.
I Found Myself In Hell Forever Fire. The Reason Why Will Surprise You.
23 Minutes in Hell | Bill Wiese | It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Please Watch and Share This Video!
23 Minutes in Hell (Condensed) – Bill Wiese, The Man Who Went To Hell
Please Watch and Share This!
Mary K. Baxter Describes Seeing The Horrors of Hell Forever Fire in Eternity
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Please Watch and Share! ~
“Heaven or hell? Over a period of forty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell all to choose life. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us has for the miracle of salvation.”
Mary K. Baxter Describes The Horrors of Hell (Book)
http: // pdf
Videos of Mary K. Baxter Describing Being Shown Heaven Forver Life in Eternity By ALMIGHTY GOD The SAVIOR, LORD JESUS CHRIST in ALMIGHTY GOD The Father, Son & Holy Spirit, The Most Holy Trinity’s Power, Graces, and Divine Love & Mercy ~
https: //www. divinerevelations. info/mary_k_baxter_a_divine_revelation_of_hell. htm
Millions of People Claim To Be “Christians” And Yet They Go to Hell Forever Fire Over THIS …
Ivan Tuttle died and found himself suffering the terrible eternal demonic torments in Hell Forever Fire. LORD JESUS CHRIST called out Ivan’s name and lifted him out of Hell. ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD JESUS CHRIST, the Always Faithful and True Savior of Humanity in His Divine Power and Divine Love showed to Ivan ALMIGHTY GOD’s Kingdom of GOD in Heaven Forever Life in eternity that has GOD’s Infinitely Majestic, Forever Alive & Forever Living Eternal Glory and Awe-Inspiring Glorious Kingdom of GOD.
LORD JESUS CHRIST told Ivan that He had heard Ivan’s devout Christian mother’s prayers for Ivan and that He was answering and granting Ivans’ Christian mother’s prayers for Ivan.
An Urgent Warning For Christians | Perry Stone
July 5, 2021
A warning about the Judgment Seat of CHRIST “every Christian needs to pay attention to or you will regret it.”
We will be judged by ALMIGHTY GOD The LORD for two things: Our words and works.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Please Watch and Share This Video!