Written by John D. Guandolo

From 2001 through this month in 2020, jihadis across the world have killed almost 250,000 people and injured almost 330,000 in nearly 39,000 Islamic/jihadi attacks.
This number goes up exponentially when we include Christians killed and tortured by muslims in the last 19 years. Estimates put the number of Christians killed by muslims since 9/11/01 at over one million.
The stated purpose of Islam – which is taught to eleven (11) year old muslim children in U.S. Islamic schools – is to wage war against non-muslims until every person on earth is submitted to “Allah’s divine law”/sharia and a global Islamic State (caliphate) is in place.
The center of the Islamic government is the mosque, which, according to the example of Islam’s “beautiful pattern of conduct” Mohammad, is the place where sharia is adjudicated, battles are planned, jihadis are trained and housed, weapons are stored, and the place from which jihad is launched.
There are over 3400 mosques/Islamic centers in America today.
Islamic advisors to the U.S. government are exclusively suit-wearing jihadis, most of whom are leaders in the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement.
All of the prominent Islamic organizations in the United States are a part of the Islamic Movement, primarily led by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
For almost 20 years “moderate muslims” have failed to inform U.S. and state officials about the true nature of Islam, making them no more helpful than Al Qaeda terrorists (jihadis).
Yet, unlike the drastic actions taken by the United States government with regards to the coronavirus, national security professionals and elected leaders ignore or minimize the threat of Islam.
Afraid to take action or unsure of what action to take, U.S. leaders left American citizens in grave danger from the Islamic threat long before coronavirus came on the scene.
The same appeasement by U.S. government officials to the Chinese government which allowed coronavirus to get to our shores, is the same appeasement which has allowed Islamic leaders in America to build a massive infrastructure whose sole purpose is to wage war against the Republic and destroy it.
As Americans stay close to home, UTT encourages you all to consider doing three (3) things to become a part of the solution to this problem:
- Educate yourself and your family on America’s Founding Principles. UTT’s Episode 5 “Who We Are” film is a great resource which you can get on DVD here and via streaming video here.
- Get educated on the threat through UTT’s training programs and online resources here and here.
- Share these resources and the information you learn about the threat of the Islamic Movement in your community with key leaders in your local area, including school principles, business leaders, police chiefs, sheriffs, university presidents, pastors, local media, and others.
This war will be won or lost at the local level. Educated and trained citizens will win the day. Let UTT empower you with the tools to do just that!

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
2 Responses
When stripes or bars or wings or stars are awarded to a United States Marine it signals recognition of leadership qualities so rare that Schopenhauer effectively compared them to the difference between talent and genius. I.e., a talented leader can hit anything anybody else can hit, but a leader gifted with genius can hit anything anybody else can’t even see; which with respect to America’s Marines has been demonstrated hundreds of times on battlefields all over the world. For yea though they venture as brothers & sisters into valleys of death “from the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli” on behalf of the American people, they will never leave each other behind as they emerge from said passages of literal hell. And the twenty-nine years that have elapsed since Islam’s declaration of war* on Western civilization prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that that kind of leadership simply does not exist in the United States at the political and/or local level.
Furthermore, in view of the progress the muslim brotherhood is apparently making, I’m beginning to wonder if the White House is even aware of the lackadaisical security similarities which enabled part of the Puerto Rican assassin team to kill Leslie Coffelt of the White House Police at the entrance stairway of the Blair House while President Truman was in residence, while a second group were at the Capitol taking random shots at members standing on the floor of the Congress. I.e., you would think that the secret service would be anxious to use UTT as an educational adjunct to their responsibilities, and thus know all about, and keep tabs on, the muslim brotherhood.
*Anyone wishing to own a personal Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on the West which was seized from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in accordance with a federal search warrant by special agents of the FBI in 2004, may contact http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee) GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.