JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

Congressional Muslim Brotherhood Hearing Reveals Danger of Not Speaking Truth About Islam

Yesterday’s Congressional hearing, led by Congressman Ron DeSantis (FL), layed out the threat posed by the International Muslim Brotherhood and why designating them a terrorist organization is critical to our national security. This is, as UTT has made clear in the past, an important line of operation in this war and one which should be pursued […]

Civilization Jihad, Propaganda, and Ignorance

This war of the Global Islamic Movement versus the Free World is primarily a war of narratives. One narrative says what ISIS, Al Qaeda and all of the other jihadi organizations are doing has nothing to do with Islam. The other side of this coin is called truth. As UTT has documented in articles here, […]

Unfit for Duty

The new National Security Advisor – Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond McMaster – and the Counter-Terrorism advisor to the President of the United States – Sebastian Gorka – both unequivocally state the “terrorist” threat America faces has nothing to do with “true” Islam. Both men are catastrophically wrong and, therefore, are leading America down a disastrous […]