JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

Jihadis Continue to Strike Around the Globe

In the last 30 days, jihadis (sharia adherent muslims) have committed 144 attacks in 24 countries around the globe, reminding us the war is yet flagrant. (www.ReligionOfPeace.com) Here is a list of jihadi attacks that have been reported from March 31st through this morning: Pakistan:  a couple is killed for marrying each other by choice […]

Ignoring Former Muslims To Our Detriment

Many men and women have left Islam and courageously speak truthfully about what Islam teaches and the threat it poses to the civilized world. These are people grew up being taught about the obligation to wage jihad, that taking Jews and Christians for friends is unlawful because it is prohibited by Allah in the Koran, […]