JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

UTT is Taking the Fight to the Enemy

Because of the nature of the war being waged by the Islamic & Marxist Counter-States, Understanding the Threat (UTT) firmly believes this war will be won at the local level by citizens who understand the threat and understand the strategy to defeat the threat. UTT is the only organization in America empowering: (1) Police with […]

Explaining the Threat

  It is apparent through polling data, social media traffic, and a variety of reporting that tens of millions of Americans understand there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam.  However, some people who do have some understanding of the threat do not do a good job explaining why this matters to average Americans and why […]

UTT Continues to Answer the Critics

Because of the significant support and attention UTT received from this past Tuesday’s article entitled “UTT Answers the Critics” we are re-publishing a video from UTT’s YouTube Channel in which UTT President John Guandolo refutes the lies from an Imam who also happens to be a State Legislator from Iowa.   We hope this video […]

The Road to Victory Begins with Speaking Truth

As Americans become more aware the killings/attacks in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere by muslims actually find their basis in Islamic doctrine, the more likely they are to resist the actions of the Islamic Movement. The Islamic Movement knows this. Non-muslims will know everything they need to know about sharia when it is fully imposed […]