JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Which U.S. Muslim Leader Isn’t a Terrorist?

John D. Guandolo The title of this article is not meant to be provocative. Its a serious national security question. Since before 9/11, nearly all of the muslim leaders in the United States who have been hailed as “moderate” or described as “opposing” the violence of Al Qaeda, ISIS and others, turn out to be […]

The Lie About Vetting Afghan “Refugees”

by John D. Guandolo When UTT published the article “Vetting the Unvettable” our hope was that it would help reasonable people see that trusting the federal government with vetting is foolish, and, therefore, trusting the government to vet Afghan “refugees” is equally as foolish. When government agencies or private organizations work to get Afghans out […]

Islamic Infiltration: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Own the FBI

Written by UTT President John Guandolo When I arrived in Saudi Arabia in early 2002 on a trip with the FBI Director, which included approximately a dozen countries across the Middle East and beyond, I was shocked to learn that both the FBI’s Legal Attache and the Assistant Legal Attache to Saudi Arabia converted to […]

Petraeus Scandal Highlights Dangerous Weakness in US Counterintelligence

by John D. Guandolo I travel across America teaching and briefing on the threat from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement here and how they (and others) have insinuated themselves into the highest levels of our government and national security apparatus.  The one question I most frequently get from Members of Congress, local/state/federal law enforcement, military and […]