JG Blog

John Guandolo


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The Jihadi Movement is Alive and Well and Untouched in America

by John D. Guandolo While the federal government and many state governments across the United States impose Stalinist policies to smother citizens’ unalienable rights, the Islamic Movement rolls forward unimpeded. Just because jihadis are not currently blowing themselves up in U.S. malls or schools, or storming the gates of military posts (today), Americans should still […]

Why Remember 9/11 If We Are Not Honoring the Dead By Avenging Their Deaths?

by John D. Guandolo It is September 11th…2020. It has been nineteen years – 19 years – since sharia-adherent muslims attacked the United States doing what normative and universally accepted Islamic teachings teach muslims they must do. America went to war after 9/11 without ever conducting a professional analysis of Islam despite the fact our […]

Faces of the Islamic Counter-State in America

Written by John D. Guandolo Who are the suit-wearing jihadis who work diligently daily to undermine America’s society, government, founding principles, and way of life? There are too many to list in this format, however, UTT would like to introduce readers to some of the more notable jihadi leaders working to overthrow the U.S. government […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: The Process of Settlement

When the Muslim Brotherhood came to the United States in the 1950’s, it did so with a plan. As was mentioned in UTT’s article on Monday, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood is now openly confirming much of what UTT has been saying for years, but the MB denied until recently. Recalling their stated objective in the […]