JG Blog


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Constant Contact Cancels UTT Account

Free speech is dying in the West and the assault on this inalienable right continues to be eroded in the United States. Today, UTT was notified their Constant Contact account was canceled.  In the letter from their legal team, Constant Contact noted: “This message is being sent to inform you that your Constant Contact account […]

America: The Greatest Force for Liberty in the History of the World

In the 6000 years of recorded history, governments of the world were monarchs.  Rulers were czars, kings, caesars, caliphs, emperors, and the like. Until America. When America’s Founding Fathers fought the war for Independence from the tyrannical British crown, they did so with the understanding that every human being has inalienable rights which come from […]

America at War: Let Us Reclaim Our Independence Day

Tomorrow – Tuesday – is July 4, 2017.  It is America’s anniversary of declaring its independence from tyranny and oppression. The first war America fought after the Revolutionary War was the war against the muslim states – the Barbary States.  Now, in 2017, America is again at war with Islam.  Unlike when President Thomas Jefferson […]

This 9/11 Anniversary is a Call to Action

It has been fifteen (15) years since September 11, 2001.  It is a day seared in our hearts and minds. Today, we are far from where we thought we would be 15 years after the jihadi attacks of 9/11.  America lost two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we lost thousands of American lives since […]

Remembering America’s Independence in an Era of Tyranny

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That […]