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Black Lives Matter is STILL Communist

by John D. Guandolo Black Lives Matter was created by communists within a communist organization to operate as a communist organization inside the United States. The purpose of Black Lives Matter is to wage long-term Political Warfare to destroy America. Black Lives Matter was NEVER a civil rights organization. Never. Watch UTT’s updated 3 1/2 […]

Jihadi Beheads Teacher in France Just Like Islam Commands

by John D. Guandolo Normative and universally taught Islam commands muslims to kill those who insult Islam and its prophet Mohammad. Islam teaches the koran is the direct word of Allah – Islam’s god. Dozens of times in the quran Mohammad is identified as the perfect example for all muslims for all times. “Ye have […]

The Constitutional Oath Mandates Adherence to Republican Form of Government

by John D. Guandolo Many Americans have been shocked over the last several months by the number of U.S. leaders at the local, state, and federal levels who are unwilling to do their legal duty to defend the Constitution and ensure every state in these United State operates under a republican form of government. Because […]

The Communist’s Useful Idiot Republicans

by John D. Guandolo The Democrat’s national convention began yesterday via an online “virtual” platform, and four (4) republicans participated by speaking out against President Donald Trump. The republicans who spoke are former Ohio governor John Kasich, former New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman, Quibi’s CEO Meg Whitman, and former Congresswoman and Google executive Susan […]

The Battle Cry in America Once Again Is Liberty or Death

by John D. Guandolo “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; Give me liberty of give me death!” Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775, Second Virginia Convention, St. […]

UTT Offers Victory in This War

by John D. Guandolo Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only organization in America empowering citizens with tools to identify and dismantle communist and jihadi networks at the local level. UTT not only teaches citizens how to speak to others about the threats to get them involved in defending their communities, we train citizens how […]

The Best Weapon in This War is Truth

by John D. Guandolo The Marxist/Communist Counter-State in America, just like its Islamic Counter-State ally, uses deception as a key tool in achieving its goal to overthrow the U.S. government. The democrat party is a major piece of the Marxist/Communist Counter-State. Despite its lies that it cares about the “common man,” the democrat party is […]

Why We Fight

by John D. Guandolo Every day around the world Islamic jihadis are engaged in jihad. The Global Islamic Movement is gaining momentum and, in the United States, leaders the U.S. Islamic Movement work inside the White House and every component of the U.S. government to destroy liberty and impose its barbaric and enslaving sharia on […]

Global Enemy Conglomerate Moves Strategically

by John D. Guandolo Are you open to the idea that coronavirus 2019/COVID-19 was intentionally released by communist China in a coordinated manner with the International Communist Party working with U.S. Communist assets – which necessarily includes leaders of the democrat party – to bring down America’s economy in order to prevent President Trump from […]

Be Alert to Marxists Controlling the Coronavirus Narrative to Advance Totalitarianism

Written by John D. Guandolo The coronavirus pandemic, also known as COVID-19, is a real and growing pandemic around the world and inside the United States. UTT believes it is important during this time that Americans keep in mind there are hostile forces which appear to be actively using this “crisis” to advance their nefarious […]