JG Blog


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What Are YOU Willing to Sacrifice?

by John D. Guandolo As many Americans took time this weekend to solemnly contemplate the sacrifices made on their behalf by members of the U.S. military who gave their lives in battle, the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) was holding a rally at the steps of […]

Understanding the Threat is The Answer

As Patriots grow weary and frustrated about the state of affairs in America today, there is only one organization which gives you the means to put your talents, skills, and experience towards taking back this nation in very real and practical ways – Understanding the Threat (UTT). If you have asked yourself “What can I […]

Police Should Not Enforce ALL Laws, Only JUST Laws

by John D. Guandolo In the years Understanding the Threat (UTT) has been teaching and training police officers, federal agents, prosecutors, and others whose duties include enforcing laws, I have been struck by the large number of these people who have little understanding of the underpinnings of their Oaths of Office and the foundation of […]

Republicans Lead 2021 “Boston Massacre” on Capitol Hill

by John D. Guandolo When the history is written about the years 2016-2026, January 6, 2021 will be remembered as a turning point in the war. January 6, 2021 was the day republican leaders solidified their treason and cowardice while defending enemies of the Republic once again. The hubris of republicans in the face of […]

Masks & Lockdowns: Totalitarian Tools of Oppression

by John D. Guandolo Democrat Austin (TX) Mayor Steve Adler imposes severe lockdown restrictions on the people of that city while he himself disobeys them and traveled to Mexico in November. Democrat Denver Mayor Michael Hancock told residents of Denver to stay at home over Thanksgiving, and minimize the number of people over to your […]

It Is President Trump & Patriots Against Everyone Else

by John D. Guandolo Patriots are paying attention to what is transpiring today, and they realize they have been right all along. The democrat party is the advocate for our enemies. Democrat ranks contain communists and jihadis, and they give aid and comfort to enemies of America. While national democrat leadership is the leading edge […]

The Greatest Deception Operations in World History

by John D. Guandolo What we are experiencing in America today is the intentional outcome of decades-long hostile efforts by domestic and foreign forces who seek the destruction of America’s Constitutional Republic. How is it that U.S. leaders have an understanding of Islam which is exactly opposite of what 11 year old muslim children learn […]

America’s Political Elites Are Traitors to the Republic

by John D. Guandolo America is now at its third great “Crossroads Moment” in its history. The first was the decision to break away from the British Crown and establish a free and independent United States of America. The second was engaging in the great Civil War to defend the Republic and complete the liberation […]

UTT Has The Winning Strategy in This War

by John D. Guandolo Understanding the Threat (UTT) is leading America to victory in this war. We have a strategy for victory, a long record of successes, and team of dedicated, talented, and unstoppable Patriots. UTT is the only organization in America training police about the communist and jihadi Movements, and the threat these Movements […]