JG Blog

John Guandolo


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How Far America Fell

by John D. Guandolo How Was The American Republic Lost? If and when the destruction of America’s Republic is reviewed in a historical perspective, the manner in which the enemies of liberty incrementally eroded the very foundation upon which America’s law and government were built will likely astound researchers. America’s law and government were established […]

Terrorist Supporter Named VA Secretary

by John D. Guandolo The U.S. Senate just confirmed terrorist supporter Denis McDonough to be the new Secretary of the Veterans Administration. Terrorist/Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid (L) with new VA Secretary Denis McDonough (R), who praises Magid McDonough has a long history of openly supporting terrorists/jihadis while in public office.   The counter-terrorism policies and strategies […]

Police Should Not Enforce ALL Laws, Only JUST Laws

by John D. Guandolo In the years Understanding the Threat (UTT) has been teaching and training police officers, federal agents, prosecutors, and others whose duties include enforcing laws, I have been struck by the large number of these people who have little understanding of the underpinnings of their Oaths of Office and the foundation of […]

Americans Are Obliged to Obey Just Laws

by John D. Guandolo About a month ago I was in a bait shop by a marina to buy some stuff for a day fishing trip.  As I was paying, a woman loudly announced – to the three other people in the shop – that “we have a non-mask wearer here.” I responded by asking […]

The Constitutional Oath Mandates Adherence to Republican Form of Government

by John D. Guandolo Many Americans have been shocked over the last several months by the number of U.S. leaders at the local, state, and federal levels who are unwilling to do their legal duty to defend the Constitution and ensure every state in these United State operates under a republican form of government. Because […]

The Best Weapon in This War is Truth

by John D. Guandolo The Marxist/Communist Counter-State in America, just like its Islamic Counter-State ally, uses deception as a key tool in achieving its goal to overthrow the U.S. government. The democrat party is a major piece of the Marxist/Communist Counter-State. Despite its lies that it cares about the “common man,” the democrat party is […]

Why Obeying & Enforcing the Law are Critical to Winning the War

Written By John D. Guandolo Understanding the Threat regularly articulates the keys to victory in the war against the Marxist and Islamic Counter-States running roughshod over America today. As a review, these keys are: Speak truth boldly about these threats. Reaffirm America’s Founding Principles. Obey the Law and Ensure Your Police Enforce the Law. As […]

America: The Greatest Force for Liberty in the History of the World

In the 6000 years of recorded history, governments of the world were monarchs.  Rulers were czars, kings, caesars, caliphs, emperors, and the like. Until America. When America’s Founding Fathers fought the war for Independence from the tyrannical British crown, they did so with the understanding that every human being has inalienable rights which come from […]

What is Sharia?

Earlier this week, UTT published the first in a series of articles about sharia (Islamic law) entitled “Understanding the Threat” which amplified the fact that sharia is the focal point and driving force behind everything jihadis across the globe are doing. Today, we will breakdown what sharia actually is and its origins. All Islamic sources […]