JG Blog


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What Can We Learn from the Hunt For & Killing of Islamic State Leader Al Baghdadi?

Written by John D. Guandolo On Sunday morning, President Trump announced the leader of the Islamic State (formerly ISIS), Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, was killed during a raid by U.S. forces. In the midst of government statements, media reports, and talking heads commenting, UTT offers this perspective on the killing of al Baghdadi and lessons […]

Why Obeying & Enforcing the Law are Critical to Winning the War

Written By John D. Guandolo Understanding the Threat regularly articulates the keys to victory in the war against the Marxist and Islamic Counter-States running roughshod over America today. As a review, these keys are: Speak truth boldly about these threats. Reaffirm America’s Founding Principles. Obey the Law and Ensure Your Police Enforce the Law. As […]

Why Does Hamas Get a Pass in the United States?

Written by John D. Guandolo The designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is hosting an event at the Marriott Resort in Coral Springs, Florida (11775 Heron Bay Blvd) this Saturday October 26th. On October 12th, Hamas/CAIR hosted an event on the campus of Southern Methodist […]

What About Syria? What About a Strategy?

Written by John D. Guandolo As this week ends, much of American news media and many Americans are wondering if the President’s decision to pull U.S. military forces out of Syria makes sense. UTT asks a simpler question… Why leave U.S. military anywhere when there is not an understanding of the enemy nor a comprehensive […]

Remembering the West’s Victory Over Islam at Tours in 732 AD

Written by John D. Guandolo On this day in 732 AD, Frankish forces near Tours in Gaul (France) under the control of Charles “The Hammer” Martel defeated Islamic armies under the command of Abdul Rahman, who was killed in the battle, thus saving Europe, at least temporarily, from Islam’s barbarism. While many battles preceded and […]

The Battle of Lepanto is a Reminder and a Harbinger

Today, October 7th, marks the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, arguably the greatest upset in a naval battle in history, in which the West devastated Islamic forces. In the 16th century, the Islamic Caliphate – the Ottoman Empire – continued it’s incursion and expansion into Western lands, including the Mediterranean, hoping to conquer […]

UTT Statement on Civil Case Brought by Former Minneapolis Sheriff

Understanding the Threat and its President John Guandolo emerged unbowed and victorious from a two-year long case meant to derail UTT’s efforts to educate the public about Islamic terrorist threats in the community. This outcome will, in no way, derail or deter UTT’s mission. Richard Stanek, the former Sheriff of Hennepin County, Minnesota, brought multiple […]

In Wars, Knowing the Enemy & Taking Bold Action Are Keys to Victory

Appeasement, weakness, and cowardice never won a war. Today’s republican “leaders” around the United States, from local officials to Governors to Members of Congress to the national GOP leadership have failed and refused to speak about the threat Islam poses to America and its citizens. With the exception of the President himself, republicans have chosen […]

When Muslims Discuss “Peace” It Brings on Cognitive Dissonance in Non-Muslims

When muslim leaders in America discuss peace, and how peaceful Islam is, it launches many Americans into a swirl of cognitive dissonance. Why? Because those who follow Islam tell us Islam means “peace,” that Islam is a “peaceful religion,” and often personally exhibit peaceful characteristics. Yet, the objective truth about “Allah’s divine law”/sharia – Islam’s […]

“Human Rights” in Islam Means Slavery, Death, and Destruction

Written by Peggy Mast The American form of government – Constitutional Republic – is superior to all others, not only in its longevity, but primarily because America’s Founding Fathers understood the self-evident truth that all humans are born with unalienable rights which come from God. So America’s Founders created a federal government and a nation […]