JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Communism is Not the Only Cancer on U.S. Campuses

by John D. Guandolo On nearly every major college and university campus in America, including at “christian” colleges, jihadis have planted dangerous outposts to recruit jihadis, perpetuate hostile information operations, and grow the jihadi Movement. These “outposts” are called Muslim Students Associations or MSA’s. There well over 900 MSA chapters in the United States, including […]

In Light of 9/11, Why does the Dar al Hijrah Mosque Still Exist?

by John D. Guandolo The Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, just outside Washington, D.C., is a beehive of activity for terrorism, and its key leaders over the decades have been Hamas and Al Qaeda leaders and supporters. Why does this place still exists? Jamal Barzinji was one of the first and most prolific Muslim Brotherhood […]

UTT’s Open Letter to America’s Governors

by John D. Guandolo Since 9/11, no governor in any state in America has dismantled the jihadi network in their state in order to remove the support network for Islamic attacks in the U.S. while simultaneously defending their citizens. Below are the contents of an open letter to America’s governors which UTT will be sending […]

Texas Leads the Nation in Domestic Jihadi Attacks

Since 9/11/01 there have been 72 jihadi attacks in 24 states in America, in which 160 people have been killed and 502 wounded.* Texas leads the nation with the most jihadi attacks since 9/11/01 with nine (9). Texas also has a massive jihadi infrastructure to support and prepare for future attacks. Evidence from the largest […]

Terrorists in the “Best Small Town in America”

Denton, Texas was ranked the Number 1 “Best Small Town in America” by Rand McNally and USA Today in 2012. Today, Denton and Denton County are home to several terrorist front organizations, including the Islamic Society of Denton. The Islamic Society of Denton was formed in 1980 and opened its doors in the summer of […]

Mr. President, Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization…Because It Is!

The following data on the Muslim Brotherhood include portions from the U.S. Senate Bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. See the full bill here. The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s stated objective is to overthrow the U.S. government and establish an Islamic State under sharia in violation of U.S. federal law. Evidence demonstrates the […]

UTT Releases Video Revealing Senior FBI Execs Defending Terrorists

Understanding the Threat (UTT) has released a video showing the FBI Executive Assistant Director Paul Abate lauding one of the leading terrorist Islamic mosque in America – the Dar al Hijra Islamic Center – and its leaders. The video begins by showing that the founders, imams, presidents, board members, and funders of Dar al Hijra […]

Islam’s Conquest of America One Town at a Time

From Minneapolis (MN) to Hamtramck (MI) to Falls Church (VA) to Paterson (NJ) and many other towns and cities across the fifty states, the Islamic Movement is quietly conquering America. The federal government sleeps, many state governments – including those controlled by Republicans – do their best to accommodate muslims waging Civilization Jihad against America, […]

The Media’s Incoherent Reporting on the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood

Last week’s unprofessional and nonsensical article in the Atlantic demonstrates the media will avoid evidence and facts at all costs to defend terrorists and apologize for the Global Islamic Movement. The bright side of the American media’s collusion with our enemies is that they are so overwhelmingly stupid, they expose themselves, making it easy on […]