JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Civilization Jihad at Upstate New York’s Chautauqua Institution

The Chautauqua Institution, a non-profit educational center “originally the Chautauqua Lake Sunday School Assembly, was founded in 1874 as an educational experiment in out-of-school, vacation learning,” according to its website.  Chautauqua supports theatre programs, debates on “The Suffrage,” hosts concerts with acts like Sheryl Crow, and is a significant driver for the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadi […]

Throwback Thursday: 2004 – MB Archives Discovered 10 Minutes from Nation’s Capital

On August 20, 2004, Ismail Elbarasse and his family were traveling on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland.  A law enforcement officer driving on the Bay Bridge at the time drove passed Elbarasse and noticed the middle eastern female passenger filming the support structures of the bridge.  She pulled the camera down quickly when she noticed […]