JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

Stalinist Federal Government Tactics Should Not Shock Us

by John D. Guandolo This week the FBI raided the Mar a Lago home of President Donald Trump and many Americas are “shocked.” Why? This is the same federal government that: *Put America in debt to the tune of over $30 TRILLION dollars *Lets over 100,000 illegals into America each month while paying them and […]

Biden’s Info Ops Have Patriots Chasing Their Tails

by John D. Guandolo How is it the same Patriots who recognized the intentional lies of “Russia Collusion”, “Systemic Racism,” “Covid Lockdowns,” and “January 6th Insurrection” are jumping on the “Support Ukraine Against the Evil Putin” band wagon? The cognitive dissonance is staggering. To be clear to all of you Patriots out there: the same […]

Real Communists Intend to Destroy America

by John D. Guandolo In 1922, Alexander Trachtenberg served the U.S. communist party on the American delegation to the 4th Congress of the COMINTERN (International Communist Party), and made clear the communists intend to bring down the United States.’ From the publication of Communist Manifesto (communist doctrine) to Rules for Radicals, which operationalizes the revolutionary […]

Policy Change Will Not Win This War

by John D. Guandolo The well-entrenched communist and jihadi Movements in the United States – whose stated objective is the overthrow of the American Republic – will not be defeated by new or different policies. Part of the modus operandi of both of these hostile Movements is to overload America’s political system at the federal, […]

Angry Democrat Kills 6 Wounds Over 50 in Wisconsin

by John D. Guandolo What happens when a person supports the things the democrat party advocates, which includes killing innocent people (abortion), violent anarchy (BLM & Antifa), communism and the communist network, and racism (democrats are the party of lynching cards and the KKK by the way)? You get Darrell Brooks, a racist supporter of […]

The Best Resources for Understanding the Threats to America

Many people are coming to realize there are some very real dangers in the United States, yet they are unsure where to find accurate information. While there are many resources to choose from, UTT offers the following items we know are solid and reliable to help everyone understand the key threats facing the American people […]

Communists Protest & Make Threats Inside Oklahoma State Capitol

by John D. Guandolo Wednesday evening, approximately 2 dozen communists from Black Lives Matter (BLM) and others entered the Oklahoma State Capitol and disrupted the business of the State House, shouting obsenities, threatening people, and chanting. The communists did alert their followers they were going to do this. See the flyer they sent out below. […]

Maxine Waters Actions Directly Support Communists & Terrorists

by John D. Guandolo There are a number of federal laws Maxine Waters has likely violated over the years, but inciting insurrection, sedition, treason, and conspiring to overthrow the United States government all come to mind when we listen to her incite communist agitators from Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa to riot. On Saturday […]

UTT’s Initial Assessment of Nashville Bombing

by John D. Guandolo Situation At 6:30 AM CST on Christmas day, a VBIED (Vehicle-Bourne Improvised Explosive Device) exploded in downtown Nashville, Tennessee damaging/destroying over 40 businesses and injuring at least eight (8) people. The bomb was carried in a Recreational Vehicle (RV), and the remains of Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, of Antioch, Tennessee, who […]

Black Lives Matter is STILL Communist

by John D. Guandolo Black Lives Matter was created by communists within a communist organization to operate as a communist organization inside the United States. The purpose of Black Lives Matter is to wage long-term Political Warfare to destroy America. Black Lives Matter was NEVER a civil rights organization. Never. Watch UTT’s updated 3 1/2 […]