JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

by John D. Guandolo Why are some citizens in Fairfax, Virginia “shocked” the graduation speaker at Justice High School openly supports jihad, and the student leading the Pledge of Allegiance included the phrase “…one nation under allah?” The graduation speaker, Fairfax County School Board Member and sharia-adherent muslim Abrar Omeish, told the audience in English, […]

Islamic Infiltration of America’s Political System

Accurately detailing the Islamic infiltration of America’s political system requires a lengthy book. However, for this article UTT will detail how the political system has been penetrated, give a few examples, and then reveal the devastating consequences to America’s security when our political leaders fail to act when an obvious threat is staring them in […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Virginia – From Jefferson to Jihad Loving

The home of Thomas Jefferson is under assault again – this time it is by Virginia’s leaders who are more concerned with being liked by America’s enemies than with doing their duty in their official capacities, and Muslim leaders who lie about their true intentions. From the Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin Roessler – who […]