JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Durham Investigation Brings Massive Coup Against President Trump Into Focus

by John D. Guandolo Court filings made by Special Prosecutor John Durham on January 25th and February 11th related to his ongoing investigation into President Donald Trump’s “collusion” with Russia continue to turn the investigation towards Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, senior U.S. intelligence professionals, the Democrat National Committee, and other high ranking democrats. […]

Real Communists Intend to Destroy America

by John D. Guandolo In 1922, Alexander Trachtenberg served the U.S. communist party on the American delegation to the 4th Congress of the COMINTERN (International Communist Party), and made clear the communists intend to bring down the United States.’ From the publication of Communist Manifesto (communist doctrine) to Rules for Radicals, which operationalizes the revolutionary […]

America’s Interfaith Outreach is Controlled by Jihadis

by John D. Guandolo Have you wondered why so many American pastors say things about Islam which are objectively untrue or say nothing at all despite the fact Christians are being slaughtered around the world by muslims? Like everything else we are experiencing these days, control of the narrative by muslims with regards to the […]

Jihadi Omar Suleiman Finds Open Doors All Over Texas

by Stephanie Ameiss Omar Suleiman is an Islamic scholar and Imam currently in Irving, Texas. He is and has been the leader of numerous Muslim Brotherhood organizations across America, advocates against liberty, and promotes barbaric sharia (Islamic Law). Yet, elected officials, pastors, and citizens across Texas welcome this jihadi with open arms. In May 2019, Suleiman […]

The Marxists (democrats) False Flag Operation & America’s Revolution

Editorial from UTT President John Guandolo How convenient that the leaders of the Marxist Counter-State in the United States all received bombs at the same time today, and none of them detonated. Packages were sent to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, Eric Holder and George Soros. Since George Soros received one of the packages […]

The Battle is Joined As America’s Quiet Civil War Comes to a Head

Congresswoman Maxine Waters has again openly threatened President Donald Trump as America’s Second Civil War appears to be coming to a decisive head. Speaking at a public event Congresswoman Waters said, “There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him?  Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’  I say […]