In an article released this week, the commercial intelligence company STRATFOR, which is read by national security professionals and civilians alike, demonstrated their complete ignorance of the Muslim Brotherhood threat globally and in the U.S. by attacking Saudi Arabia and the UAE for considering the Muslim Brotherhood and U.S. MB/Hamas groups CAIR and MAS “terrorists” while STRATFOR defends the MB stating the Brotherhood “(opposes) violence as a means of achieving its political goals, but it also seeks democracy.”
It would appear there has been zero research done by STRATFOR into the MB except for asking Muslim Brothers about themselves.
As has been documented via our DVD “Understanding the Threat to America” and the new book by John Guandolo Raising a Jihadi Generation, as well as through numerous articles, speeches, interviews, and conferences, UTT has laid out the details of the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine from their By-Laws, strategic documents entered into evidence in landmark terrorism trials in America, interviews of senior MB leaders, and a wide variety of other information clearly identifying the MB’s objective as the destruction of all governmental systems and replacing them with Islamic systems operating under Sharia (Islamic Law) using all means necessary including violence. The MB defines “Jihad” as total war against non-Muslims including subversion and military battle.
The problem with organizations like STRATFOR and others who peddle this nonsense, is that American leaders use their materials to form opinions on national security matters. Since STRATFOR’s stance on the MB is nearly identical to the misinformation the Islamic advisors inside our government – all of whom are affiliated with the MB Movement here – one has to ask which side of the street STRATFOR is on.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
9 Responses
well you answered your own question on whose side these treasonous weasels are On, the freaking moslems . God help US.Stay strong, keep up the good fight . Much respect. Sharon
well you answered your own question on whose side these treasonous weasels are On, the freaking moslems . God help US.Stay strong, keep up the good fight . Much respect. Sharon
well you answered your own question on whose side these treasonous weasels are On, the freaking moslems . God help US.Stay strong, keep up the good fight . Much respect. Sharon