JG Blog


What's New?

by John D. Guandolo

When UTT teaches that for the U.S. communist Movement “The Issue is Never the Issue” we mean it.

See relevant articles here and here.

Communists and their “useful idiots” in America do not care about climate change, systemic racism, police brutality, economic inequality, or any of the other made up causes they put forth.

Everything they do is about control of the state and power. It is about using these issues to advance specific Liberty-destroying policies and lines of operation in furtherance of destroying America.

In the wake of the Nashville school shooting, which left 6 dead including 3 nine-year old children, the communist indoctrination of students, parents, school administrators, the medical community, and civil leaders from mayors to the President alike is on full display for all to see.

From the Oval Office (Obama and Biden) down to local school officials in Nashville, Tennessee, communities and children have been told is is right and just and humane and even “Christian” to mutilate children’s bodies and psychologically disorient them and pollute their minds to believe they are something they are not – a sex other than the sex they were at birth.

Then these same evil people feign shock and dismay when one of these psychologically tortured people kill others in places like Denver, Aberdeen, Colorado Springs, Nashville, and elsewhere.

This is in keeping with the communist Movement’s plan to destroy American culture and society and create chaos in our communities from within.

Truly caring and loving people should stand firm and reject this blatant evil in their local communities – including in their schools, hospitals, and local governments.

What happened in Nashville is not some “unforeseen tragedy.”

What happened in Nashville is exactly what the enemies of liberty want, and they will be running this same disinformation operation for years to come until citizens engage and shut this dangerous garbage down.

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