by John D. Guandolo
Democrat Austin (TX) Mayor Steve Adler imposes severe lockdown restrictions on the people of that city while he himself disobeys them and traveled to Mexico in November.
Democrat Denver Mayor Michael Hancock told residents of Denver to stay at home over Thanksgiving, and minimize the number of people over to your home by having a “virtual” Thanksgiving. He then promptly got on an airplane to go visit relatives for the holiday.
Other democrats like Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and many other democrat leaders openly violated the very “lockdown” edicts they proclaimed were critical to “protecting the community” from COVID-19.
Remember folks, THE ISSUE IS NEVER THE ISSUE. In this war for the soul of America, democrats – the leading edge of the Communist Counter-State in America – do not care about COVID, or racism, or climate change, or anything else they scream about. These issues are used as tools to impose their totalitarian ideologies on a society headed into communism faster than Hunter Biden can say “cocaine.”
Wearing masks and locking citizens in their homes has nothing to do with science and everything to do with advancing their hostile agenda against liberty and our Constitutional Republic.
Numerous scientific studies, including ones here and here, reveal that putting masks on citizens in a society DOES not work in preventing the spread of influenza viruses for a variety of reasons.
Dr. Anthony Fauci himself made clear that wearing masks has no impact on spreading of the COVID-19 virus. See the video HERE. (If Youtube.com takes the video off our page please go to https://blog.johnguandolo.com/utt-videos/ to view it there)
Of the people who have tested positive for Covid-19, over 80% report they wore their masks as ordered by local authorities.
It is worth remembering that the same American Medical Association (AMA) which is going along with all of the draconian COVID measures, is the same AMA which loudly protested against the use of hydroxychloroquine and then, just a few days ago – after the 2020 Presidential election – quietly told the world it is useful for COVID.
As a Marine, I know the United States Marine Corps was born in Tun Tavern in Philadelphia. America’s founders met in pubs and restaurants to plan the revolution against the tyranny of the British Crown.
Maybe that is why the democrat led Communist Counter-State in America wants to keep citizens from meeting in public places. They know liberty-minded Patriots will plan the counter-revolution against their Communist Revolution for the sake of our Republic.
Have no fear, Patriots will find a way to victory none-the-less.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
7 Responses
Furthermore, politically engineered social control is essentially designed to prevent mobilization, thus an exchange of ideas like freedom and the right to own gun s for example. Actually strict social control was the hallmark of the sadistic evil Stalin and Hitler used to terrorize not only their own populace, but much of the free world as well.
And as UTT has repeatedly pointed out “the issue is never the issue”. Take for example the congressional communist’s and *Islamist’s determination to never allow the ability to speak and understand English become a requisite for becoming an American citizen, for when that finally happens it will significantly simplify mobilization for the purpose delineated in the Declaration of Independence as to the abolishment of any form of government which in the eyes of the American people threatens to deny their God given rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, which is what said anarchists obviously fear most.
*Anyone wishing to own an unabridged personal Arabic-to-English translated verbatim copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, need simply connect with http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling and postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.
Frohliche Weihnachten und ein gesundes Neues Jahr!
Democracy debate Pence is corrupt. He sees himself as George Washington incarnate. And, is dripping with a dark future.
I am a nurse, worked surgery, and it is an insult to my intelligence, every time the completely uneducated informs me of the stupidity of wearing mask for the Jahdi’s take over of America! So insulting to say the very least. And blindly they follow!
As a nurse, you should then be aware that we wear masks in surgery or in the field to protect us from blood, vomitus, etc – not from influenza virus. Protocols for infections disease protections are very different. The surgical masks are not made for that – it says so on the boxes they some in. Neither are the faux cloth masks so in style today. The point of the article is the masks and the lockdowns, per the massive amount of evidence, have little to do with science and “concern for the people” and everything to do with imposing totalitarianism on the people of what was once free America. You can be offended all you want. The truth always offends those who don’t have it.
“Maybe that is why the democrat led Communist Counter-State in America wants to keep citizens from meeting in public places.” John indicators can we be looking for to anticipate degradation or loss of internet. How do we have mitigate that risk and what are countermeasures?
As I mentioned in here before time to build private troposcater and vhf uhf networks going the commies are banning –