John D. Guandolo
Over the last 6 years, Americans have and are, with increasing vigor, working to undo tyrannical policies being put in place by those who oppose liberty and America’s Constitutional Republic.
The evidence is overwhelming there exists in the United States a coordinated long-term effort by domestic and foreign adversaries to destroy America’s culture, free market economy, and government.
Yet, Patriots continue to focus on issues and policies.

Life, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to privacy, and the many other unalienable rights protected by our law and federal government under the Constitution, are important to defend.
However, no war in world history has ever been won by changing a policy or fixing an issue.
Wars are won by identifying and vanquishing the enemy.
Since 9/11/2001, the federal government, civilian and military, has failed to even identify the threat much less understand it and develop a strategic response to defeat it.

These hostile forces – communists, jihadis, their collaborators, and their financiers – operate at the international, national, and local levels.
*China (COMMUNIST) and Iran (JIHADI) entered into a strategic partnership.
*ISIS and Al Qaeda (JIHADI) train U.S. based Antifa groups (COMMUNIST).
*The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood (JIHADI) partner with Black Lives Matter (Chinese COMMUNIST) at the national level.
At the local level, these hostile forces work seamlessly to undermine liberty, free market policies, and the Christian church.
Couple this with the reality that Mr. Biden, the Homeland Security Secretary, the U.S. Attorney General, and numerous federal prosecutors have stood in agreement that the greatest threat in America today is “the MAGA crowd” – defined by the federal government as Patriots who believe in the Rule of Law, law & order, the Principles articulated in the Declaration of Independence, the federal system as established by the U.S. Constitution, and the obligation to abide by the Constitutional oath.
Because of the grave corruption of the federal government, the lack of any coordinated action at the state level, and the severity of the enemy presence in the United States, practical and military realities reveal the only way to win this war is to take back LOCAL communities in a coordinated effort in key areas across the United States.
This is a war, and citizens need to come to grips with that and take actions reflecting that reality.
Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only organization in the United States – and the West for that matter – training communities how to identify enemies of liberty and flush them out, while re-establishing America’s Founding Principles and a republican form of government at the county level.
UTT is the only organization in America with a strategy and long history of success.
The time is now.
Click HERE to bring UTT to your town to train you how to liberate and fortify your community as we take the fight to the enemy and put freedom back on the offensive where it belongs.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
3 Responses
We do need to focus on the enemy. Granted there may be a socially engineered islamation of America. The enemy has opened the birders and brought them in ana also CCP operatives.. The powers that be just give this narrarive and leave themselves out while they prepare a war and we are their tioy soildiers. i would guress most are logistically heading toi minnesota michigan and other Islamic areas. Sharia and no go zones will be used to aggitate americans . They will start a iddle east war too. first Syria and then Iran. HEGEL and the puppet masters are too blame.
Your comments do not make any sense to me. We are losing the war because for over 20 years we have NOT focused on the enemy but only on ISSUES and extraneous matters that have nothing to do with identifying and defeating the enemy – the only answer to re-establishing the Republic.