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John Guandolo


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Jihadis Strike in Paris – US Response Demonstrates Continued Cluelessness


In another offensive against the West, two Muslim jihadis killed twelve (12) people in Paris yesterday at the offices of the satirical media outlet Charlie Hebdo.  American Leaders responded by calling the attacks anything but Islamic jihad (or even terrorism).

Authorities identified the men as Said and Cherif Kouachi (brothers), both French, and Hamyd Mourad, 18, whose nationality has not yet been made public.  At the time of this posting, U.S. Counterterrorism officials are saying that one of the three has been killed by French security services, and French officials  are reporting Hamyd Mourad has surrendered, but neither of those have been confirmed.

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Shouting “allah u abkbar” the jihadis were dressed in tactical gear and armed with AK-47’s.  They moved through the offices of the media outlet Charlie Hebdo and killed the editor and several of the leading cartoonists at the publication which humorously criticized everything under the sun – including Islam.  The difference, however, is that the Islamic Law of Slander – cloaked by the term “Islamophobia” – mandates capital punishment for anyone who says anything about the prophet or Islam “which a Muslim would dislike.”  Paris is learning what it is to face the penalty of violating Sharia’s Slander law in Islam.

Strikingly, the day before the attack in Paris, Turkish President Erdogan called on the European Union to “crack down” on Islamophobia, which is jihadi speak for “Silence all who slander Islam, or else.”

[This, by the way, is also one of the many points where the political Left shares common ground with jihadis – trying to silence all “offensive” language (read:  “language that is truthful and counters our agenda”).  In both cases the objective is the destruction of individual liberty and power to the  State.]

In September of 2012 at the United Nations, President Obama stated – for all the world to hear – “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet.”   Comments like these provide a green light for the Islamic jihadis to go forward and kill in the name of Islam for those who slander the prophet Mohammed.

The response from America’s leaders to the Paris attack has been to call them anything but jihad or even terrorism, and outlandishly claim these attacks have “nothing to do with Islam.”

On CNN, Chris Cuomo asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest “Do you see this as an act of terrorism?”.

Earnest’s response is telling.  “I think, based on what we know right now, it does seem like that is what we’re confronting here,” he replied. “And this is an act of violence that we certainly do condemn. And, you know, if based on this investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism then we would condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too.”  What is the confusion here that in the moment the Obama administration cannot call this obvious jihadi attack in Paris Jihad or Terrorism?

Hillary Clinton previously stated we must “empathize” with our jihadi enemies, respect their point of view, and not “leave anyone on the sidelines.”  Secretary of State John Kerry called the attack “extremism” while key Democrat strategist and leader Howard Dean said Wednesday that the men who perpetrated the attacks in Paris are “about as Muslim as I am.”  He further stated he has read the Quran and it doesn’t support this kind of behavior.  It is clear Mr. Dean is either lying about reading the Quran or has significant reading comprehension issues.

Which brings us back to the crux of the issue – America’s leadership does not actually know the teachings of Islam because they continue to rely on Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas/Al Qaeda operatives in advisory roles inside our government to tell them what it is instead of doing their due diligence as professionals.  Besides being completely unprofessional and negligent, this approach to our enemy has left many Americans dead in places like Boston, Fort Hood, Little Rock, and elsewhere because of our leaders willful ignorance.  We put doctors and lawyers in jail for that.

The representative for the President, Press Secretary John Earnest, made it very clear that the ignorance of our enemy is complete.

“The other thing we have tried to do is to work with the leaders in the Muslim community, both here in the United States and around the world to try to counter those violent messages.  We’ve seen ISIL distort the name of a peaceful religion, distort the tenants of an otherwise peaceful religion, to try to inspire people to carry out acts of violence.  That’s why its incredibly important that we see leaders in the Muslim community stand up and speak out about the true teachings of Islam are.”

I am curious which part of “Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war” (Quran 9:5) our leaders do not understand.  I guess the President’s Islamic advisors have not made it to the point of sharing this core Islamic teaching with the Administration, FBI, CIA, DHS, Pentagon or others.

Mr. Earnest has clearly demonstrated the entire U.S. decision-making process and the leaders participating in it are completely and utterly unprofessional OR are knowingly aiding and abetting the enemy and concealing the true nature of their intentions.

100% of Islamic doctrine from first grade text books to Al Azhar University in Egypt – the oldest and most authoritative school of Islamic jurisprudence in the world – state that Islam is a “complete way of life” governed by Sharia (Islamic Law).  100% of all published Islamic Law in every century and in every language states the purpose of Islam is to wage jihad until the world is subordinated to the Sharia and a global Islamic state (Caliphate) is established.  100% of all published Islamic Law (Sharia) only defines “Jihad” as “warfare against non-Muslims.”

The problem is that Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and all the other jihadi groups are getting their “version” of Islam correct.  Here is the challenge:  you can go to any mosque book store in the world or even amazon.com and purchase authoritative Islamic Law written by recognized Muslim authorities written for Muslim audiences (important that the book is not written for a non-Muslim audience) which all state what has been stated above about Islam.  There is no such thing as a book of Islamic Law that says otherwise.  Those of you who are wanting to scream “racist/bigot/islamophobe” right now, please produce the name of one such book of Islamic Law that instructs the Muslim community to “love” non-Muslims and to “peacefully exist with them” where all groups of people have equal rights under the law.  You won’t find it because it doesn’t exist.