JG Blog


What's New?

by John D. Guandolo

One of the most frequent questions members of the UTT Team get is “How did we get here?”

In other words, how did so many enemies of America insinuate themselves into our society and positions of influence and power to such a degree we are concerned the nation may not survive?

America finds itself in such a dangerous situation because, simply put, people failed to do their job.

Presidents, Congressmen, federal agents, intelligence agencies, generals and admirals, governors, state legislators, mayors, city councilmen, police chiefs, sheriffs, pastors, and others failed to do the very basic things required of them to be professional at their job.

Let’s take Islam as one simple example.

All authoritative Islamic doctrine mandates muslims wage jihad [total war] on non-muslims until “allah’s divine law” or shariah is imposed on every human being on earth.

This is taught at the most prestigious schools of Islamic jurisprudence in the world to include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and elsewhere, and it is taught to 8 year old muslim children in Islamic schools in Kuwait, Jordan, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, Sydney, Dallas, Wichita, Fort Lauderdale, Nashville, and all across the United States.

Jihadis or “terrorists” testify in open court, give statements on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, make videos, and communicate a unified message about the requirements of Islam.

The entire muslim world under the banner of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) served formal documents to the United Nations in 1993 confirming the objective of Islam.

U.S. warfighting doctrine demands a professional assessment of threats begins with why the ENEMY states they are fighting.

If, after 9/11, any leader in America’s national security apparatus had done that, we would have quickly understood Al Qaeda wages jihad to establish a Caliphate (global Islamic State) under sharia because, they believe, it is a command from their god to do so.

A 30-60 minute review of authoritative Islamic Law/sharia or a 7th grade text book on Islam from any U.S. Islamic school, would confirm that, in fact, normative and universally taught Islam mandates war against non-muslims until sharia is the law of the land on earth.

None of our leaders did that.

What did happen?

President Bush told us Islam is a religion of peace and Al Qaeda did not represent “true Islam.” By doing so he essentially told the entire U.S. government to find the solution to why Al Qaeda attacked America on 9/11, but do not consider Islam because it cannot be that.

Republican leaders attacked republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann when she produced evidence from the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history – US v Holy Land Foundation (HLF), Northern District of Texas (Dallas), 2008 – revealing the most prominent Islamic organizations in America are engaged in a coordinated effort to overthrow the U.S. government and replace it with an Islamic State.

Individuals inside the military and DoD, FBI, CIA, ICE, and other federal agencies became targets of internal investigations for speaking truth about Islam while Hamas jihadis walked the halls of these agencies.

Under the guise of “civil rights” Senators like Dick Durbin held hearings about the “plight of muslims” in America while taking direct counsel from Muslim Brotherhood leaders from ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), CAIR, Muslim Advocates, and others.

Nowhere inside the U.S. government, civilian or military, was the enemy threat doctrine – sharia – taught. This is why our military crushed the jihadis on the battlefields of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, parts of Africa and elsewhere, yet we lost the wars there.

America’s leaders at the federal, state, and local level turned to “academics” and muslim advisors to tell us how to understand our adversaries.

And tell us they did.

Here is some of the more impactful deception operations conducted by our adversaries or their witting accomplices inside our government and military since 9/11:

  1. Muslim terrorists practice a “perverted version of Islam” and “true Islam” is peaceful and loving.
  2. The terrorists do what they do because of “economic depravation” (despite the fact many Al Qaeda’s leaders came from wealthy backgrounds).
  3. The terrorists do what they do because they are uneducated (despite the fact many of Al Qaeda’s leaders have 1 or more graduate/masters/doctorate degrees).
  4. Islamic terrorism is just like gangs in Los Angeles, so we look to that model to inform us.
  5. You cannot understand Islamic terrorism unless you are muslim so…you must hire muslims in the FBI, CIA, DoD, the U.S. national security staffs, and other key places of influence and power in the U.S. government so they can tell you just enough to keep you thinking they are helping while they are driving you towards defeat and gathering intelligence along the way.

In response to 9/11, the White House, Congress, federal agencies, and many states hired muslims to “advise” them on how to “fight terrorism.” However, the people brought in, especially at senior positions, were Al Qaeda, Hizbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and others who are hostile to the United States.

Nada Prouty served as an FBI Special Agent and CIA Case Officer before being fired and charged with supporting the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hizbollah.

The result: key leaders and institutions in the United States responsible for national security have an understanding of Islam which is exactly the opposite of what muslims teach their children about Islam in U.S. Islamic schools.

Someone is being lied to.

This was nothing short of complete and catastrophic criminal negligence on the part of the entire American political leadership on both sides of the political aisle, and the intelligence and federal law enforcement communities.

That is what happened.

One Response

  1. Each president knowingly or not did their part in following the evil plan to destroy the USA. The plan was set up ages ago not today

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