JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Election Results are an Opportunity, Not a Victory

As Americans digest the historic results of Tuesday’s elections and consider the national security implications, there is optimism because of the opportunity we have.  This, however, should not be confused with the surety of results.

As has been noted on several occasions on the UTT blog and in outside media sources, the GOP has been no more effective at identifying the significant national security threats to the United States – especially the threat from the Global Islamic Movement – than their Democrat colleagues.

The incoming Senate Republican Leader, Mitch McConnell, has demonstrated little understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas’ jihadi network in America, nor has he made an effort to understand.  There has also not stood with his colleagues who have spoken out boldly against the terrorists living among us.

Now is the time for Americans who are knowledgeable about the jihadi threat to speak with their newly elected officials – before they sit down in their offices.

Voters must remember it has been the GOP leadership and key “conservative” advisors like Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, and others who continue to allow jihadis (“Terrorists”) into “conservative” circles of influence.  All the while, most Republican members of the House of Representatives and the Senate have stood silent, save for a few heroes like Michele Bachmann, Louis Gohmert, Trent Franks, former Congresswoman Sue Myrick, and others.

There is an opportunity in America to defend our founding principles, defeat our enemies, and shore up the foundations of our Constitutional Republic.  All efforts must be taken immediately to ensure the newly elected leadership in this nation fulfills their Oaths of Office without exception.

The enemies of liberty are on the march across the globe and here at home.  From the marxists, socialists, communists, and jihadis embedded in our bureaucracy, to the nation states of the OIC, as well as Russia, China and others, America must go on the offensive and it must do so from a position of fully understanding the threat from a fact-based perspective – something we still have not done since 9/11.

There is no more time to compromise with, appease, or have conversations with our enemies.  It is time to utterly defeat them.

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