Written by John D. Guandolo
Since the United States killed Iranian Quds Force Commander and Specially Designated Global Terrorist Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi militia and Hizbollah leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis last weekend in strikes in Baghdad, Iraq, discussions by some leaders and talking heads on television have devolved into the theatre of the absurd, with some suggesting the Iranian government “intentionally missed” U.S. troops, and many calling for “restraint” against Iran.
For the record, the Pentagon and Vice President Pence publicly confirmed Iran intended to kill U.S. military personnel with its missile strike.
As UTT reported this week, Iran has been at war with the United States for 40 years. Therefore, “restraint” is a recipe for failure.
But calls for restraint against Iran is the expected outcome when the national security apparatus has been rendered witless by our enemy.
For nineteen years, the U.S. government has relied on Islamic advisors in the Pentagon, on the National Security staffs, at the FBI, CIA, DHS and elsewhere, who subscribe to Islamic doctrine requiring the overthrow of all un-Islamic systems.
It is no wonder their advice on how to fight the “war on terror” has led to a higher threat from “terrorism” domestically and defeat after defeat overseas.
That is the intended outcome.
What is taught to eleven (11) year old muslim children in U.S. Islamic schools is exactly opposite of what our “Islamic advisors” tell our leaders.
Its called “lying.”
From this deception, U.S. leaders and policy makers have formulated war-fighting strategy, foreign policy, and domestic counterterrorism operations which have proven to be catastrophic failures.
The U.S. lost the wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, despite the fact our military performed superbly.
How is this possible?
Because the threat to America is not merely Iran, nor merely Al Qaeda, nor merely ISIS.
100% of this enemy tells us they are “muslims waging jihad” in order to “establish an Islamic State (caliphate) under sharia.”
All authoritatively published Islamic Law declares the singular purpose of Islam to be waging war against non-muslims to establish an Islamic State under sharia.
That is why they teach this in U.S. Islamic schools to muslim children.
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Al Shabaab, Boko Haram, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Deobandis, and all the mosques in America (on their websites) state they follow sharia, which is required to be impose on the earth.
From 622 AD to today, the Islamic world has waged a continuous jihad against the non-muslim world.
Sharia requires the muslim community to wage jihad when they have the ability to do so. That means to defeat them, according to their own doctrine, they must be made to feel utterly incapable of waging jihad – utter crushing defeat.
Actions taken against any element of the Global Islamic Movement should be done inside a strategy to destroy the entire Movement, just not hit one part of it.
Some things to keep in mind…
(1) Deception and (2) controlling the narrative are at the center of the Global Islamic Movement’s strategy. Propaganda and influence operations are their bread and butter.
Despite was U.S. intelligence agencies say, sunni and shia nations, organizations, and leaders do work together against the non-muslim world, while still fighting each other.
Iran, Turkey, and Qatar are aligned. This is important because as a matter of policy America calls Turkey and “ally” despite the fact it is the center of the coming Islamic caliphate.

As the war with Iran continues, keep your eyes on Turkey which is re-establishing the territory of the former Ottoman Empire, including setting up military bases in Qatar and expanding into Libya.
Most importantly, if you missed public comments by U.S. Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders, they stepped in line behind Iran after the U.S. military action over the weekend.
U.S. MB leaders are in direct contact with senior Iranian and Turkish leaders coordinating and planning their war efforts.
The Islamic enemy coordinates their actions at a very detailed level up and down the ranks.
For America to win this war, our focus cannot be singularly on Iran. It must primarily be aimed at destroying the jihadi network in the United States, and crushing the key elements of the Global Islamic Movement – Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar.
We can have a reasonable discussion of HOW to “crush” the key elements of the Global Islamic Movement, but we can only do so if those involved in the discussion actually understand the threat.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
5 Responses
Thank you! JG/UTT
Good article.
Agree, good article. It is not a good idea to take information from your enemy or the Islamic brothers to fight terror….their goal is deceive since it makes it easier to conquer a country or it’s civilians minds with their language and smiling face and slight of hand about their mission and tell you and the leaders, it is a misintrepetation that jihad is warfare or terror….while stock piling weapons in your own country in the holy spaces.