JG Blog


What's New?

by John D. Guandolo

Leaders of the democrat party and their loyalist media collaborators told America for over three years Donald Trump is “colluding with Russia” – a hostile foreign power – while, in fact, it is the democrats who are – LITERALLY – colluding with hostile foreign powers.

The same liars who lied about Russian collusion and are now lying about “Russian disinformation” with regards to Hunter Biden’s laptop, have also been producing article after article supporting the false narrative there is no voter fraud in America.

This lie there is no voter fraud in America is simple and quick to disprove.

It seems voting fraud is most rampant in Texas – a state in which the democrats are willing to do anything, including breaking the law, to win.

Just yesterday, Project Veritas released a devastating video from San Antonio, Texas showing real-time ballot harvesting which violates state and federal law. Thousands of ballots are being harvested by just one person at a time. See that video HERE.

On Monday, Fox News reported an affidavit has been sworn by a retired police officer to the Harris County (Texas) Attorney’s Office alleging he witnessed a democrat election judge and his staff commit voting fraud. See the report HERE.

In the beginning of October in Carrollton, Texas, mayoral candidate Zul Mirza Mohamed was arrested and charged with 109 counts of voter fraud. The Texas Attorney General’s Office stated Mohamed allegedly forged at least 84 voting registration applications for Denton County residents. Read more about that HERE.

At the end of September, Gregg County (Texas) Precinct 4 Commissioner Shannon Brown was arrested and charged with 23 felonies related to voter fraud. Three others were arrested and charged in this case as well including: Marlena Jackson, 50, of Marshall, was charged with 97 felonies; Charlie Burns, 84 of Longview, was charged with eight felonies; and DeWayne Ward, 58, of Longview, was charged with six felonies. Read more about this story HERE.

These are four major voter fraud stories in the last month just in TEXAS that destroy the narrative of “no voter fraud” in the days before the 2020 Presidential election.

The key takeaway points are these:

  1. There is real evidence and real indictments in real voter fraud cases involving mayoral candidates, precinct chairs, election judges, and others, affecting thousands of votes in local and state elections.
  2. The media is intentionally lying about this because they are – and this is the lesson – the propaganda arm for the hostile democrat/communist Movement in the United States.
  3. All of this is being done to ensure Donald Trump does not remain in power because – if he does – America’s adversaries know he will continue to come after them and obliterate them.

16 Responses


    In 1999 a Colonel in the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army by the name of Xiao Wang Xianqsu published a book entitled: “China’s Master Plan to Destroy America”, which in 2002 was also published by Pan American Publishing of Panama City, Panama, prior to which, on 22 May 1991, Islam declared its Saudi-Arabian government funded war on Western civilization as evinced by the 9/11 attacks and as described in the notorious “28-pages”. And in addition to all of that the American people have now learned — along with the rest of the world — that a contender for the U.S. presidency by the name of “Joe” Robinette Biden, Jr., had secretly embarked on a wide-ranging odyssey while serving as the U.S. vice President to not only enrich himself by approving the sale to communist China of secret technological advances designed in the United States for the protection of the American people in time of war, but to ensure that his close family as well were provided with a piece of his treasonous pie, [see Article-3, section-3 of the U.S. Constitution].

    Furthermore, the ever burgeoning number of wink & nod U.S. judicial officials tacitly involved in said criminal’s last gasp attempt to seize control of the 03.11.20 general election by means of voter fraud and Democrat controlled inner-city deployments of Marxist, Maoist and jihadist killers, obviously haven’t a clue as to the predictable result of when an entire population along with themselves is surrendered to the “tender care” of tyrannical lunatics, nor of the, thus, predictable sight of Gestapo and Arrow-Cross like barbarians banging on America’s front doors.

    Anyone wishing to own a verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s said declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, need simply connect with: http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.


    CENSORSHIP ADVISORY: My foregoing blog of 29.10.20@2012hrsCST is a re-write due to a note bearing the blue Wikipedia logo and consisting of the words: “Democratic Propaganda Arm says there is no voter fraud” which appeared on my screen each successive time I hit “SEND” on the original. After several more attempts with the same result, I copied the content with pen and paper and successfully transmitted it on another PC. So BEWARE! WIKIPEDIA has obviously fallen under the control of a 3rd party as it relates to violating users rights to freedom of speech per the1st Amendment to the Constitution, which I suspect is a 3rd class felony vis-a-vis the U.S. Criminal code.

  3. For all the the USA to know , those involved with any voting fraud , you will be arrested and convicted. Furthermore , those whom have you spit on the graves of Americans who have given all for your right to vote . Additionally all the veterans whom have also risked their lives for Americans to enjoy a joyous time Election Day . Our one moment to behave like a liberated country – if indeed widespread harm to the above has occurred. I hereby pledge everything I have to round up and seek out anyone involved and seek their arrest with hardcore evidence. One crooked soul at a time. If nothing has happened don’t worry but if you have been involved turn yourself in. Just so you know the world knows whom you are be so advised .

  4. Don’t look America in the eye and spit on her – freedom was fought and preserved for us – and its our duty to pass it on to the young –

  5. I issue a come clean demand if their is any purported truths to ballot harvesting- if your part of or witnessed it – this is your only chance to not be part of it and come clean and turn yourself in or divulge the truths if any. Peering eyes all around the world have seen America and let’s not shame ourselves –

  6. There is definitely voter fraud. But there are so many more demons/liars than there are honest people. Y-h gave me my only vision months ago. It was where the two places for good and evil go. I hear many Pastors concern for this negativity that has almost completely engulfed our nation. I do know this is Y-h’s game and He’ll play it His way. Just read the Bible, He gives all the answers. Meanwhile, help me pray for our nation and our children.

  7. Those who have committed these allegations if true have sinned before all to see . Which will become more and more relevant, people are beating and hurting others in the streets for all to see – yes it’s to let us know Jesus is coming –

  8. I had mentioned in here and other places for anyone involved with voter fraud to come forward – those that have thank you those whom haven’t please be advised – the all watchful eye is aware of the actions – please come forward and be at home with the correct path the path which frees you from the hatred and bondage your pinned down with . Perpetrated hate means your serving , other then your own heart – serve yourself and free the hatred bondage – dispel it

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