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John Guandolo


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Congress Seeks to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood TERRORISTS

On July 24th, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, along with seven (7) other members of Congress, introduced a bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). The act of simply introducing this bill is historic and should have a profound impact on U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials at all levels.

Officially titled the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2014” this bill factually lays out the evidence detailing the MB’s role supporting, funding, facilitating, and participating in jihad or “terrorism.”

From its very founding in Egypt in 1928 with the specific purpose to impose Islamic Law on the world by all means necessary, the MB’s motto includes the phrase “Jihad is our way.” The MB was created and continues to exist to destroy all legal systems and governments which do not adhere to Sharia (Islamic Law). All of their organizations work in tandem to achieve this goal.

In the United States, there are thousands of Muslim Brotherhood organizations operating overtly and covertly. The first national Islamic organization in America, the Muslim Students Association (MSA), was created by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood in 1963. For the next twenty years, nearly all of the Islamic organizations created here were done so by the Brotherhood.

Today, there are over 600 MSA’s across America on every major college and university campus “radicalizing” students to join the jihad. There are hundreds of Islamic Societies, and subsidiaries of other MB organizations all across the country in all 50 states. There are over 2100 Islamic Centers, the majority of which are controlled and owned by the MB.

In 2011, former FBI Director Robert Mueller III told the House Select Committee on Intelligence, “I can say at the outset that elements of the Muslim Brotherhood both here and overseas have supported terrorism.”

Many of the jihadi attacks here in the U.S. have been launched with significant support from the MB network.

* In Boston, the Tsarnaev brothers attended the Islamic Society of Boston which is a subsidiary of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and which was founded by a senior Al Qaeda financier who is now in federal prison named Abdurahman Alamoudi. ISNA is the leading MB organization in North America and a financial support organization for Hamas. Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

* The “Virginia 5” jihadi group of young Muslims arrested in Pakistan a few years ago were “radicalized” at the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) which is a part of the MB’s network here. The leader of this group, Rami Zam Zam, was the President of the MSA in Washington, D.C.

* 9/11 hijackers received support from at least one MB Islamic Center (San Diego) logistically and financially as documented in the 9/11 Commission Report.

And the list goes on…

The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization of Hamas, which is the MB in Palestine.  All of Al Qaeda’s regional leadership are Muslim Brothers, and, as the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2014” states, there are direct links between the MB and designated “terrorist” organizations.

Of course there are – it is why the MB exists.  All of the evidence is on the table, yet America’s leaders do nothing.


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