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John Guandolo


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Claremont Institute’s Chairman Issues a Powerful Statement

Thomas Klingenstein, the Chairman of the Board for the Claremont Institute issued a powerful statement – via a video – on the importance of the 2020 Presidential election, putting it in terms of defending the American Republic against a revolutionary effort to destroy all that we hold dear.

In the video Mr. Klingenstein gives three (3) key points:

  1. Donald Trump is the right man at the right time in history to be America’s President.
  2. Republicans are not doing a good job explaining the stakes in this election.
  3. Republicans must explain that the Democrat party is leading a revolution against the Republic.

See the video HERE.

2 Responses


    Thanks to UTT for posting the most timely tapestry of contextually inspirational opinion I’ve ever listened to. Furthermore, since America’s airwaves are federal property (for the use of which the lucrative TV-ADS industry pays nothing) I find it hard to imagine how the FCC can continue to ignore the total lack of mandated public service announcements, (PSAs), particularly if they were to be similarly focused on the preservation of Constitutional freedoms in time of war and paid for by said commercial entities.

    Too, since the statement of Claremont Institute’s Chairman will clearly add credibility to JG’s unique and tireless effort to instill the necessity for “understanding the threat” in the American people before its too late, perhaps the president will give the FCC a call regarding said paucity of PSAs in time of war*. Don’t laugh Pollyanna, when he says he’s a man of the people, he means it, in spades!

    *Anyone wishing to own an Arabic-to-English translated verbatim copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA in accordance with a federal search warrant by special agents of the FBI, in 2004, need simply connect with: http://www.securefreedom.org, to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee) GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S, v. HLF, et al.

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