UTT Throwback Thursday: No Wider Plot?
If a Special Forces soldier was captured in a foreign land with which America was at war, would our enemy consider him a “lone wolf” disconnected from any “wider plot” or larger army? On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs were detonated on four trains by Islamic jihadis in Madrid, Spain killing 191 people and injuring […]
FBI Correct: Sharia Adherent Muslims Have Mental Issues
Five (5) people are dead and 13 others wounded after Esteban Santiago shot them with a handgun inside the baggage claim area of the Fort Lauderdale (Florida) Airport Friday (1/06/2017). The FBI got one thing right: like all sharia adherent muslims, Santiago is not mentally aligned with civilized society. Santiago’s family said he “lost his mind,” […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Treasonous Leadership Decisions by Ohio Officials Have Deadly Consequences
Ohio is reaping what it has sown. They have protected and promoted jihadis for several years. In 2009, the Ohio Department of Homeland Security hosted a day-long seminar which included senior Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood officials, including Hani Sakr, a member of the U.S. MB’s Board of Directors, and the leader of Hamas in Ohio, Asma Uddin. […]
As Muslim Jihadi Strikes OSU, Media Drives the Deception Operation
UTT readers know, this war in which we are engaged with the Islamic Movement in the United States is primarily an Information War. A Muslim refugee from Somalia named Abdul Razak Ali Artan is “scared” to pray so he tries to kill non-Muslims on the Ohio State University (OSU) campus with his vehicle and a knife […]
Vehicular Jihad Like Attack in France Lawful Under Sharia
Last night, a Muslim jihadi drove a truck into a crowd at the Bastille Day celebrations (July 14th) in Nice, France killing nearly 80 people and wounding scores of others. Where would a Muslim come to believe that such behavior is acceptable in Islam? The better question is “Where would a Muslim learn such behavior […]