At the Core of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement is Deception
Written by John D. Guandolo For the Islamic Counter-State in the United States, lying and deception are not merely tactics, they are well thought out drivers of the overall totalitarian ideological strategy to bring down America’s Republic. The record of the years since 9/11/01 is replete with examples of Islamic leaders in the United States […]
“Human Rights” in Islam Means Slavery, Death, and Destruction
Written by Peggy Mast The American form of government – Constitutional Republic – is superior to all others, not only in its longevity, but primarily because America’s Founding Fathers understood the self-evident truth that all humans are born with unalienable rights which come from God. So America’s Founders created a federal government and a nation […]
Texas Leads the Nation in Domestic Jihadi Attacks
Since 9/11/01 there have been 72 jihadi attacks in 24 states in America, in which 160 people have been killed and 502 wounded.* Texas leads the nation with the most jihadi attacks since 9/11/01 with nine (9). Texas also has a massive jihadi infrastructure to support and prepare for future attacks. Evidence from the largest […]
Horrific NZ Mosque Attack Augurs Defeat for the West If We Continue To Ignore the Islamic Threat
Written by John D. Guandolo, President, Understanding the Threat (UTT) Today, media sources in New Zealand are reporting two mosques have been attacked by a gunman leaving several dozen people dead. This is a horrific, reprehensible, inexcusable event, and Understanding the Threat (UTT) joins others in mourning and praying for the victims and their families. […]
New Mexico AG Sues Google & Twitter Over Privacy as Marxists Move to Takeover U.S. Education
Hector Balderas, New Mexico’s Attorney General, is suing Tiny Lab Productions – a mobile game developer – as well as Google, Twitter and other tech companies, for allegedly violating federal and state children’s privacy laws. It is alleged that Tiny Lab is being used to obtain personal data from children and that Google, Twitter, and […]
The Coming Calipate
The Organisation (sic) of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest voting block in the United Nations and is comprised of every Islamic nation on earth – 57 states. The OIC’s Charter states one of its goals is to “promote human rights.” What does the OIC mean by “human rights?” We need to look no further […]
The OSCE and the International Assault on Free Speech
The war against the Islamic and Marxist Movements inside the United States is primarily a war of narratives. As UTT continues to emphasize, the primary line of effort against a false narrative is to speak truth boldly using specifically defined language that is understood by all those on our side. At the international level, the […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Where Does a Muslim Soldier’s Loyalty Lie?
“Fight and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them…” Koran 9:5 NBC is reporting the Taliban targeted Secretary of Defense James Mattis in an attempt to kill him during his surprise visit to Kabul yesterday. Taliban leaders credit Afghan security forces with tipping them off. With the number of attacks on U.S. forces by Afghani […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: US Government’s Failure to Address Domestic Threat
Summary The attacks of 9/11 were conducted against the U.S. homeland with support from the Islamic Movement inside the United States. The U.S. government’s response to fight on battlefields overseas, while leaders of the U.S. Islamic Movement exclusively provided “advice” to our leaders, led to strategic defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq despite the fact the […]
U.S. Islamic Movement Enters Final Stage
The leading edge of the Islamic Movement’s Final Stage in the United States is upon us. The violence is now beginning in earnest. One day in the future, history will record with great astonishment how military leaders, politicians on both sides of the aisle, intelligence professionals, and others were catastrophically unprofessional for 16 years after […]