UTT Throwback Thursday: IRAN is Still a Threat
President Jimmy Carter’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young, said “(Ayatollah) Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint.” As a result of the U.S. administration being soft-hearted, soft-minded, and naive, Iran launched an Islamic revolution, and on November 4, 1979 52 American hostages were taken from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held for […]
Western Leaders Confuse Endangering the Innocent for Compassion
In London, the Prime Minister (and the previous Prime Minister) and many members of Parliament say the recent jihadi attack in Westminster has nothing to do with Islam, and call for embracing the Islamic community. In Germany, Angela Merkel has opened German borders to people from sharia-adherent jihadi nations, has defended jihadis as being “un-Islamic” […]
Is CNN Guilty of Material Support of Terrorism?
Could a reporter and/or media organization which intentionally provides a terrorist or terrorist organization air time to promote the terrorist’s agenda be charged as in violation of Title 18 of U.S. Code, Section 2339A, Material Support to Terrorists? Mainstream media attacking those who speak truth about the threat of Islam in the United States is […]
UTT: Real Truth About Real Threats
Last week’s UTT article entitled “Unfit for Duty” makes the point that two of the men professionally responsible to the President of the United States for speaking truthfully about national security threats – LtGen HR McMaster and Sebastian Gorka – are not doing so, specifically as it relates to the Islamic threat. In response to the […]
Unfit for Duty
The new National Security Advisor – Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond McMaster – and the Counter-Terrorism advisor to the President of the United States – Sebastian Gorka – both unequivocally state the “terrorist” threat America faces has nothing to do with “true” Islam. Both men are catastrophically wrong and, therefore, are leading America down a disastrous […]
Heroic Kansas Legislator Prepares for Next Assignment in the War
Representative Peggy Mast (76th District), the Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas State House, is retiring after nearly 20 years of service to her state and the nation. In the opinion of UTT, Representative Mast understood the threat from the Islamic Movement sooner and demonstrated boldness and tenacity on issues relating to the Islamic threat […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: General Petraeus Wages Civilization Jihad
This week the Federalist published a scathing article about General Petraeus raising questions about his criminal actions by mishandling classified information, the possibility he is an agent of foreign powers – namely the Islamic governments of Saudi Arabia and UAE, as well as Kazakhstan – and that he favors silencing Americans’ right to free speech over […]
UTT Puts Freedom on the Offensive Where It Belongs
UTT (Understanding the Threat) is the only organization in the nation which provides law enforcement agencies a detailed understanding of the threat from the Global Islamic Movement, investigative techniques to identify and locate jihadi organizations and jihadis (“terrorists”), and UTT is the only organization providing state and local leaders strategies to dismantle the jihadi networks […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: John McCain Awards ISIS Leader & Iranian-Born Muslim Takes Over FBI WMD Program
This kind of crazy stuff only happens at the highest levels of the United States government. In different decades people would call it “Treason,” but in today’s world…nothing. Here is today’s UTT Throwback Thursday. A look back at some news that matters in this war. John McCain Loves Him Some ISIS US Senators Richard Blumenthal […]
Dawah: The Call to Islam is Deceptive, Dangerous and Deadly
Dawah in Islam is not “proselytizing” to others. It is the “Call” or “Invitation” to Islam, and is a legal requirement before Muslims wage jihad against non-Muslims. ISIS publication “Dabiq” articulates authoritative sharia (Islamic Law) for their actions including “The Call to Islam” which is DAWAH The Koran speaks of Dawah – the Call to […]