As 2017 Begins, UTT Recognized for Its Unique Role in the Counter-Jihad
“We want to encourage you as a leader in the law enforcement community to host a training from UTT (Understanding the Threat) for their 3-day ‘Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network.’ This is the only training program for law enforcement in the nation which actually gives officers ways to proactively find terrorists in their communities, […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Jihadi Killed By FBI During Raid of Detroit Mosque
Luqman Ameen Abdullah was on the board of the Muslim Brotherhood’s MANA (Muslim Alliance in North America) led by jihadi Siraj Wahhaj. MANA’s Executive Committee includes leading Muslim Brothers Ihsan Bagby, Altaf Hussein, Johari Abdul Malik, and others. Abdullah was also the Imam of the Masjid Al-Haqq and a leader of a group called the “Ummah,” a brotherhood […]