In This War Minnesota’s Twin Cities Are Lost
After spending all of last week in Minnesota, UTT’s professional assessment of the enemy situation is this: the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota – known as the “Twin Cities” – are in enemy-held territory. They are, at least for the time being, lost – meaning, they are under the control of a collaborative […]
The Strategy for Victory Begins with Sheriffs and Pastors
Dawah: The Call to Islam is Deceptive, Dangerous and Deadly
Dawah in Islam is not “proselytizing” to others. It is the “Call” or “Invitation” to Islam, and is a legal requirement before Muslims wage jihad against non-Muslims. ISIS publication “Dabiq” articulates authoritative sharia (Islamic Law) for their actions including “The Call to Islam” which is DAWAH The Koran speaks of Dawah – the Call to […]
Losing the War at the Local Level
The war in which we are engaged, and not engaged, against the jihadis here in the United States is a very different kind of war than most Americans are accustomed. In this war, battles are lost at local town councils, in the media and school classrooms, and, sometimes, in state legislatures. So it is with […]