JG Blog


What's New?

War Update

by John D. Guandolo Things in this war are moving quickly right now and our enemies are out maneuvering the police, military, and federal agencies.  Truthfully, its not even a contest.  Our government at the local, state, and federal level is an embarrassment. This article is meant to help the reader put everything happening on […]

Islamic Infiltration: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Own the FBI

Written by UTT President John Guandolo When I arrived in Saudi Arabia in early 2002 on a trip with the FBI Director, which included approximately a dozen countries across the Middle East and beyond, I was shocked to learn that both the FBI’s Legal Attache and the Assistant Legal Attache to Saudi Arabia converted to […]


Why are Nihad Awad, Dougie Ibrahim Hooper, and Cory Saylor wandering the streets of Washington, D.C. and elsewhere while they are the leaders of the largest Hamas organization in America – the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). The following is a small portion of the evidence identifying the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) […]

Muslim Brotherhood’s MAS Teaches Islam & America is Shocked

Why are U.S. leaders and citizens shocked when Islamic mosques, schools, and organizations teach Islam? This past weekend, a story broke in the media revealing children at the Muslim American Society’s (MAS) Islamic Center in Philadelphia sang a song praising jihad and jihadis, and called for chopping off heads of non-muslims. Why would a Muslim […]

UTT is Taking the Fight to the Enemy

Because of the nature of the war being waged by the Islamic & Marxist Counter-States, Understanding the Threat (UTT) firmly believes this war will be won at the local level by citizens who understand the threat and understand the strategy to defeat the threat. UTT is the only organization in America empowering: (1) Police with […]

Why Does Hamas/CAIR Fear UTT?

Why would Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fear a 30 minute presentation by UTT’s President John Guandolo at a small restaurant in a suburb of Dallas, Texas? On Wednesday March 6, 2019, John Guandolo is giving such a presentation and CAIR is working hard to shut it down. Why? […]