Where is Suit-Wearing Jihadi Suhail Khan Today?
Prolific suit-wearing jihadi Suhail Khan was in the White House on 9/11. After officials discovered his father was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader, he was moved out, but found himself back in the fold in a relatively short amount of time, serving two Secretaries of Transportation in the Bush administration. This gave Suhail Khan a […]
Heroic Kansas Legislator Prepares for Next Assignment in the War
Representative Peggy Mast (76th District), the Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas State House, is retiring after nearly 20 years of service to her state and the nation. In the opinion of UTT, Representative Mast understood the threat from the Islamic Movement sooner and demonstrated boldness and tenacity on issues relating to the Islamic threat […]
Jihadi Lovers Have No Place in a Trump Administration
Senator Bob Corker and Congressmen Mike Rogers and Mike McCaul have no business holding any position in a Trump administration if Mr. Trump actually wants to defeat the Jihadi Movement in the United States. All three of these men have records of defending jihadis and lashing out at those who speak truth about the real threat from […]