Liars and Lunatics
In the wake of the jihadi attacks last week in France, Kuwait, and Tunisia, the reality of the Islamic threat is as clear as it could possibly be, yet our enemies continue to use the same tactics and the leadership in the West regurgitates the obvious lies fed to them. Western leaders continue to delude […]
Sharia, Permissible Lying, and the Duality of the Message
“You send two messages, one to the Americans and one to the Muslims.” —Omar Ahmad, Chairman of the Board —Hamas (dba CAIR), 1994-2005 “It is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.” —Um Dat al Salik —Islamic Sacred Law (Reliance of the Traveller) While there […]
Sedgwick County Sheriff Surrenders to Hamas
Sedgwick County, Kansas Sheriff Jeff Easter today cancelled next week’s planned UTT 2-day training program, caving in to complaints by Hamas and local Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Wichita and other parts of Kansas. For more details, watch the local ABC Report The loudest complaints came from Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Hooper. Hooper works for the Hamas […]