JG Blog


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Communist Insurrection

by John D. Guandolo The violence across America over the last few days does not represent a “hijacked peaceful protest.” This was and continues to be a synchronized, organized, and well coordinated nationwide violent assault against American cities by communists and jihadis working together to bring down the Republic. The communists in Antifa and Black […]

Al Qaeda’s Saudi Military Officer Reminds Us of How Broken U.S. NatSec Is

by John D. Guandolo Yesterday (May 18, 2020), U.S. Attorney General Barr announced Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, the Saudi military officer who killed three (3) naval personnel and injured eight (8) others during an attack at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL) on December 6, 2019, was an Al Qaeda operative. Definitive information was pulled off […]

Gulen Movement Paves Way for Islamic Domination in America

by John D. Guandolo There are many parts to the Islamic Counter-State inside the United States, each with a role to play in overthrowing the U.S. government and establishing an Islamic State under “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. One key element of the enemy’s effort is the Gulen Movement here in the homeland. The Gulen Movement is […]

UTT is Taking the Fight to the Enemy

Because of the nature of the war being waged by the Islamic & Marxist Counter-States, Understanding the Threat (UTT) firmly believes this war will be won at the local level by citizens who understand the threat and understand the strategy to defeat the threat. UTT is the only organization in America empowering: (1) Police with […]

Mr. President, Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization…Because It Is!

The following data on the Muslim Brotherhood include portions from the U.S. Senate Bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. See the full bill here. The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s stated objective is to overthrow the U.S. government and establish an Islamic State under sharia in violation of U.S. federal law. Evidence demonstrates the […]

UTT Assesses Las Vegas Attack As A Jihadi Operation

There has been a lot of speculation in both mainstream media and social media about Sunday night’s tragedy in Las Vegas, where, according to the latest from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, 516 people were injured and 59 people were murdered by Stephen Paddock. Before any real information about the shooter was put out […]

Civilization Jihad at Upstate New York’s Chautauqua Institution

The Chautauqua Institution, a non-profit educational center “originally the Chautauqua Lake Sunday School Assembly, was founded in 1874 as an educational experiment in out-of-school, vacation learning,” according to its website.  Chautauqua supports theatre programs, debates on “The Suffrage,” hosts concerts with acts like Sheryl Crow, and is a significant driver for the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadi […]

Threat to Homeland High – Negotiation Not the Solution

Famed terrorist Carlos the Jackal said:  “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.” In September 2015, UTT published a brief article entitled The Convergence of Threats which illuminates the marriage between the U.S. Islamic Movement and the hard-left Marxists.  Today, this marriage moves ever closer to is objective of overthrowing the U.S. […]

Where is Suit-Wearing Jihadi Suhail Khan Today?

Prolific suit-wearing jihadi Suhail Khan was in the White House on 9/11.  After officials discovered his father was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader, he was moved out, but found himself back in the fold in a relatively short amount of time, serving two Secretaries of Transportation in the Bush administration. This gave Suhail Khan a […]

All Hands on Deck

The historic election on Tuesday was a resounding rejection of failed socialist programs, weak government leaders, and corruption/tyranny on both sides of the political aisle. From a national security perspective, this is not the time to find “common ground” with those who oppose liberty and our Constitutional Republic. This is the beginning of a battle […]