Jihadis Work to Disarm Free People and Arm Themselves
The right to keep and bear arms is a right that “existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution.” [U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, US v Heller] The right to keep and bear arms exists with or without a U.S. Constitution and with or without a […]
Will President Trump Prosecute Terrorist Group CAIR & Those Supporting It?
We at Understanding the Threat (UTT) speak the truth – using facts and evidence – about real threats facing our communities here in the United States. Here is a fact: The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Hamas organization. Here is another fact: Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. Here is another fact: […]
UTT SPECIAL REPORT: Terrorist from Terrorist Mosque Speaks in Delray Beach FL Tonight
Tonight (8/17/2017) at the South County Civic Center in Delray Beach, Florida, Muslim Brother (Jihadi) Bassem Alhalabi will speak on “Human Rights” in Islam. The contrast would be comical if it were not so dangerous and the public were better informed. [Author’s note: the leadership of the Islamic world at the Head of State level […]
FBI Correct: Sharia Adherent Muslims Have Mental Issues
Five (5) people are dead and 13 others wounded after Esteban Santiago shot them with a handgun inside the baggage claim area of the Fort Lauderdale (Florida) Airport Friday (1/06/2017). The FBI got one thing right: like all sharia adherent muslims, Santiago is not mentally aligned with civilized society. Santiago’s family said he “lost his mind,” […]
Finding Truth Among Talking Heads in the Media
by John D. Guandolo Many of the questions UTT gets these days revolve around our thoughts on various talking heads who seems to “get it” about the Islamic threat. Often times the questioners are disappointed to hear the truth UTT shares with them about the person whom they were inquiring. It is important at this […]
Dallas & Baton Rouge Ambush of Police Reveals Dangers of Marxist Left in America
On June 12, 2016, UTT published an article after the jihadi attack in Orlando, Florida making it clear the marxist/anarchist movement is working with and in support of the jihadi network, and are a threat to the Republic all on their own as well. “The way is paved for the jihadi organizations by socialist and marxist […]
Seeing Information Warfare in the Midst of Media Coverage of Attacks
Last night, a Muslim yelling “Allah u Akbar” drove a truck into a crowd at Bastille Day celebrations (July 14th) in Nice, France killing nearly 80 people and wounding many more. The American media responded in lock-step, especially Fox News’ Megan Kelly, who marched suit-wearing jihadis like Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation forward to […]
Officials Reveal America’s National Security is “Controlled” by the Jihadists
Two former U.S. government officials made explosive revelations on national radio this past Friday including the charge the U.S. government is a “tool” for the jihadi movement here, and that the driving force behind America’s domestic counter-terrorism strategies and our foreign policy is the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). President Obama with Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leader (Islamic Society […]
Orlando Attack Is Nothing Compared to What Is Coming
A jihadi named Omar Mateen armed with a rifle, a handgun and possibly explosives – who has been identified as an “ISIS soldier” – killed 50 or more Americans on Sunday morning at a night club in Orlando, Florida. The largest single loss of life in such an incident in American history. Thank God for the […]