UTT Special Report: U.S. Submits to Islam
Not understanding the Global Islamic Movement and what drives its actions is the reason America lost the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 9/11, military generals, Presidents, National Security Advisors, Members of Congress, and others have been too busy to stop and actually do what the law and their Oath of Office require them to […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Mainstream Media’s Support for Terrorists
Following Monday’s UTT article “Is CNN Guilty of Material Support of Terrorism?” there was an overwhelming positive response from UTT followers who noted the many other incidents of mainstream media defending terrorists, specifically Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). So, for today’s UTT Throwback Thursday we will look at Hamas’ […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Attacks on UTT Intensify, But Have Less Effect
In the summer of 2014, UTT scheduled a one-day training program for law enforcement in the Phoenix, Arizona area hosted by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO). The program was designed to teach police officers and investigators about the Islamic Movement in the United States and Arizona, and provide them with tools to help them […]
UTT: Real Truth About Real Threats
Last week’s UTT article entitled “Unfit for Duty” makes the point that two of the men professionally responsible to the President of the United States for speaking truthfully about national security threats – LtGen HR McMaster and Sebastian Gorka – are not doing so, specifically as it relates to the Islamic threat. In response to the […]
Unfit for Duty
The new National Security Advisor – Lieutenant General Herbert Raymond McMaster – and the Counter-Terrorism advisor to the President of the United States – Sebastian Gorka – both unequivocally state the “terrorist” threat America faces has nothing to do with “true” Islam. Both men are catastrophically wrong and, therefore, are leading America down a disastrous […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Flynn, The Shadow Government & America’s Second Civil War
Today’s UTT Throwback Thursday looks all the way back to…Monday, when UTT identified the threat of the Shadow Government and the penetration of America’s national security and governmental decision-making apparatus by jihadi, hard-left/Marxist, and other enemies. The resignation of General Michael Flynn is another salvo in America’s Second Civil War, which is now underway in […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Will the Present Remain the Past?
Stephen Coughlin arguably understands the enemy threat doctrine and how our enemy operates strategically better than anyone else in America. In 2008, Coughlin – an attorney with an expertise in international law and a Major in the U.S. Army (reserves) specializing in intelligence and strategic communications – was called to the Pentagon after 9/11 and […]
FBI Correct: Sharia Adherent Muslims Have Mental Issues
Five (5) people are dead and 13 others wounded after Esteban Santiago shot them with a handgun inside the baggage claim area of the Fort Lauderdale (Florida) Airport Friday (1/06/2017). The FBI got one thing right: like all sharia adherent muslims, Santiago is not mentally aligned with civilized society. Santiago’s family said he “lost his mind,” […]
As 2017 Begins, UTT Recognized for Its Unique Role in the Counter-Jihad
“We want to encourage you as a leader in the law enforcement community to host a training from UTT (Understanding the Threat) for their 3-day ‘Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network.’ This is the only training program for law enforcement in the nation which actually gives officers ways to proactively find terrorists in their communities, […]
UTT Puts Freedom on the Offensive Where It Belongs
UTT (Understanding the Threat) is the only organization in the nation which provides law enforcement agencies a detailed understanding of the threat from the Global Islamic Movement, investigative techniques to identify and locate jihadi organizations and jihadis (“terrorists”), and UTT is the only organization providing state and local leaders strategies to dismantle the jihadi networks […]