JG Blog


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Troops in Syria…Yes or No?

Two days ago the U.S. Senate voted to oppose U.S. military withdrawals from Syria in direct opposition to President Trump’s desire to bring American military forces home. Which position makes more sense and which is better for America’s national security? Understanding the Threat (UTT) asserts it does not matter. President Trump recently tweeted: “Now ISIS […]

The Enemy Strategy Depends on Establishment Republicans

by John D. Guandolo Americans paying attention to the building momentum from enemy forces – nations, groups, or persons levying war against the United States and/or conspiring to undermine America’s founding principles and overthrow the government – see danger ahead. But Americans are having a difficult time making sense of all that is happening and […]

The Primary Role of the Mosque is the Seat of the Islamic Government

“It must be the role of the mosque to guide the public policy of a nation, raise awareness of critical issues, and reveal its enemies. From ancient times the mosque has had a role in urging jihad for the sake of Allah, resisting the enemies of the religion who are invading occupiers. That blessed Intifada […]

1400 Years Later Islam is Still Waging War on the World

Why did 19 muslims attack the United States on 9/11/01?  Why do muslims attack people with knives, cars, planes, vest-bombs, and anything else they can get their hands on today?  According to the Koran, Islam’s prophet Mohammad is the most perfect human being for all muslims for all time, and he commanded muslims fight the […]

Explaining the Threat

  It is apparent through polling data, social media traffic, and a variety of reporting that tens of millions of Americans understand there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam.  However, some people who do have some understanding of the threat do not do a good job explaining why this matters to average Americans and why […]

Texas Media Desperate to Defend Jihadis

As if on cue, media across the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas launched an Information Operation to defend a muslim and attack citizens concerned about the Islamic threat to Texas and the nation. Citizens and GOP leaders have raised questions about the Vice Chair of the Tarrant County (Texas) GOP, who is a muslim man […]

Politico’s Information Operation to Silence Discussion of the Las Vegas Massacre

Last Friday, November 16th, Politico initiated an Information Operations attack designed to silence public discussion of the October 2017 massacre in Las Vegas that claimed the lives of 58 people and left 851 others wounded. Understanding the Threat (UTT) believes it is important to respond to this attack in order to set the record straight […]

Will America’s First & Last Wars Be Against Islam?

“That it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take […]

UTT Domestic Enemy SITREP – Part I

From a military perspective, the Islamic Counter-State has gained significant ground in the last five years to prepare the battlefield in the United States, while U.S. intelligence and security forces remain nearly completely ignorant of the true nature of the threat. The following is UTT’s brief Domestic Enemy SITREP (Situation Report) as it relates primarily […]

The Battle is Joined As America’s Quiet Civil War Comes to a Head

Congresswoman Maxine Waters has again openly threatened President Donald Trump as America’s Second Civil War appears to be coming to a decisive head. Speaking at a public event Congresswoman Waters said, “There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him?  Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’  I say […]