Good News Alert: UTT Law Enforcement Program in Dallas A Huge Success
UTT (Understanding the Threat) conducted a one-day program for law enforcement, prosecutors, military and citizens in Dallas (Texas) last Friday, infusing the attendees with heavy doses of reality about the jihadi threat in the United States, and, specifically, Texas. The response from participants was unanimously positive. “Everybody needs to hear and know this information,” a […]
CAIR’s Violent Assault on Free Speech
What does CAIR have in common with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban? It is a terrorist organization which hates and violently opposes Free Speech. Like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban, CAIR is a jihadi organization. It is Hamas in the United States. Don’t let the suits fool you. […]
UTT Brings Hero of Muslim Mafia Chris Gaubatz Onboard
UTT (Understanding the Threat) is honored to announce the addition of Chris Gaubatz to the UTT team. As the son of a career Air Force OSI Special Agent, Chris Gaubatz grew up in England, Korea, California, and Utah, and today calls southwest Virginia home. Chris worked for several Fortune 500 companies conducting fraud investigations and […]
America’s Security Facade
Travelers waiting in long lines at Seattle’s SEATAC Airport Travelers using U.S. airports are familiar with long lines due to TSA checkpoints, and recent reports indicate lines will get longer in the near future because of new TSA screening procedures, fewer TSA officers and other related issues. Yet, America is no safer since 9/11 because […]
One Message for the Americans, One Message for the Muslims
How is it that nearly fifteen (15) years after 9/11 none (ie ZERO) of the Islamic advisors to the United States government have shared with our leaders the Quranic concept of abrogation, the definition of “jihad” in sharia (Islamic Law), or the fact sharia obliges jihad until the entire world is under sharia? It is because sharia […]
UTT Identifies Coming Threats While Government and Media Admit Cluelessness
In the year leading up to the Garland, Texas shooting Understanding the Threat (UTT) briefed Arizona law enforcement officials about the threat posed by the jihadi Islamic Community Center of Phoenix – the place from which the two Islamic jihadis originated. For the last several years, UTT has been briefing and speaking about the threat […]
The Jihadi Network in America
Time Magazine blames “Islamophobia” for America’s ills. Congressman John Conyers says the House bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” is Islamophobic because, according to Conyers, “Since swearing off violence in the 1950s, the Brotherhood has become a predominantly non-violent religious, political, and social service organization.” The Speaker of the House Paul […]
The Islamic Law of Slander and the Continued Destruction of Free Speech
Western leaders’ continued assault on free speech is reaching new lows. Recently free speech has been met with arrests in Europe, and, in America, calls for an end to “anti-Muslim bigotry.” Last week a man in Scotland was arrested for a Facebook post disparaging Muslim refugees in Scotland. This week a Dutch man was arrested […]
ISIS, The Koran, and The Hudud
ISIS crucifies Christians, kills apostates (those who leave Islam), and amputates the hands of those who steal. How do they justify such barbaric behavior? These cruel punishments are commands from allah in the Koran. The Hudud is a part of sharia (Islamic Law), and contains the seven (7) crimes specifically listed in the Koran along […]
What Is The Purpose of Islamic Centers/Mosques in America?
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of Boston was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi and was home to the Boston Marathon Bomber Tsarnaev brothers Many Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is simply a “Muslim church.” This could not be further from the truth. In Islam, Mohammad is considered the al Insan al Kamil […]