At the Core of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement is Deception
Written by John D. Guandolo For the Islamic Counter-State in the United States, lying and deception are not merely tactics, they are well thought out drivers of the overall totalitarian ideological strategy to bring down America’s Republic. The record of the years since 9/11/01 is replete with examples of Islamic leaders in the United States […]
Meanwhile, Back in America
Written by John D. Guandolo While the U.S. government decides on a course of action with regards to Iran, the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States inside America continue to roll forward unimpeded. If U.S. leaders understood America is in a war against Marxists and jihadis joined together in a knock-down-drag-out fight to destroy liberty and the […]
Iran is Already at War with the United States
Written by John D. Guandolo On January 2nd, the United States engaged in military operations in Baghdad, Iraq which killed the leader of the Iranian Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, as well Iraqi militia and Hizbollah leader in the region Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. The Quds Force is the clandestine and overt military arm of the Iranian […]
Newsweek Hit Piece Means UTT is Right Over the Target
Written by John D. Guandolo Yesterday (12/19/19), Newsweek published a hit piece on me (John Guandolo) referencing a comment I made on the UTT Radio Show on December 9th calling for retaliation against Saudi Arabia for being the center of the global jihad against the West. It should be no surprise to UTT followers that […]
Impeachment Vote is Part of a Coup Not a “Political Charade”
Written by John D. Guandolo The U.S. House of Representatives voted last night (12/18/19) to impeach President Trump for “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.” Only democrats voted to impeach the President. The group of Congressman voting “nay” was bipartisan with all republicans and two democrats, Jefferson Van Drew (D-New Jersy) and Collin Peterson […]
Islamic Jihadi Attack at NAS Pensacola An Occasion to Remember Saudi Arabia is Our Enemy
Written by John D. Guandolo Jihadi Attack at Naval Air Station PensacolaOn Friday December 6, 2019, a Saudi Arabian Air Force Officer – 2nd Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani – carrying a pistol and several loaded magazines, open fired on military students at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL), killing three and wounding many others. […]
Gulen Movement Paves Way for Islamic Domination in America
by John D. Guandolo There are many parts to the Islamic Counter-State inside the United States, each with a role to play in overthrowing the U.S. government and establishing an Islamic State under “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. One key element of the enemy’s effort is the Gulen Movement here in the homeland. The Gulen Movement is […]
Why Does Hamas Get a Pass in the United States?
Written by John D. Guandolo The designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is hosting an event at the Marriott Resort in Coral Springs, Florida (11775 Heron Bay Blvd) this Saturday October 26th. On October 12th, Hamas/CAIR hosted an event on the campus of Southern Methodist […]
“Human Rights” in Islam Means Slavery, Death, and Destruction
Written by Peggy Mast The American form of government – Constitutional Republic – is superior to all others, not only in its longevity, but primarily because America’s Founding Fathers understood the self-evident truth that all humans are born with unalienable rights which come from God. So America’s Founders created a federal government and a nation […]
Islamic Infiltration: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Own the FBI
Written by UTT President John Guandolo When I arrived in Saudi Arabia in early 2002 on a trip with the FBI Director, which included approximately a dozen countries across the Middle East and beyond, I was shocked to learn that both the FBI’s Legal Attache and the Assistant Legal Attache to Saudi Arabia converted to […]