U.S. Generals Refuse to Identify Islam as the Threat = Another Dead Soldier
It is September 2018 and nowhere in the U.S. military – not at any boot camp, nor officer training, nor war college, nor service academy, nor at any other training inside the U.S. military – are our warriors being taught Islam is the threat and sharia is the enemy’s warfighting doctrine. U.S. warfighting doctrine requires […]
Jihadi Training Camps Have Been in America for 40 Years
The discovery of a “terrorist training camp” in New Mexico run by Siraj Wahhaj Jr., whose father was a character witness for the Blind Sheikh and an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, should not come as a surprise to anyone. It is logical that a jihadi would raise a jihadi son. […]
Mall Security & Police Enforce Sharia in Minneapolis
In Bloomington, Minnesota – Hennepin County – sharia is being enforced by police and mall security at the Mall of America. To UTT followers, this is not surprising. This time, however, a Christian pastor was arrested and told he was “Not permitted to discuss religion in the Mall.” Welcome to Minneapolistan. Pastor Ramin Parsa The pastor, […]
The Diminishing Choices for Americans
Eleven years ago I sat in the FBI Washington Field Office with the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Counterterrorism Division and one other agent. I asked the SAC what she would do when the average American came to a deeper understanding of the Islamic threat than agents in the CT Division, and then […]
Turkey Moves to Re-Establish Caliphate While Most Western Leaders Pander to Islam
President Trump is demonstrating strength by standing firm against Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan who refuses to release U.S. citizen and pastor Andrew Brunson, held in prison in Turkey since April of 2016. Brunson is accused of “support of a terrorist organization” and “political or military espionage.” Specifically, Brunson is accused of working with U.S. based […]
Islamic Operatives Use Soviet Tactics to Target Conservatives
The Islamic Movement in the United States manifests primarily as an espionage and counterintelligence threat, not merely as a “terrorist” threat. When operatives in the Islamic Movement meet with police chiefs, elected officials, FBI Directors, business leaders, Pastors, Rabbis and others, they portray themselves as friendly, but they are working to recruit and use them, […]
Marxists Continue to Lie and Defend Jihadis in America
Enemies of the United States continue to lie and provide cover for jihadis in the U.S. while defaming those speaking truth about real threats to the Republic. In an article entitled “American Islamophobia’s Fake Facts” published July 31, 2018 in a little-known online blog, the author lies and defends terrorists (jihadis) in an attempt to […]
UTT Continues to Answer the Critics
Because of the significant support and attention UTT received from this past Tuesday’s article entitled “UTT Answers the Critics” we are re-publishing a video from UTT’s YouTube Channel in which UTT President John Guandolo refutes the lies from an Imam who also happens to be a State Legislator from Iowa. We hope this video […]
The Atlantic Magazine Joins a Long Line of Media Elites Supporting Jihad & Sharia
When the President’s National Security Advisor chose the new Chief of Staff for the National Security Council, the media elites immediately launched attacks to destroy the good name and reputation of the man designated for that position – Fred Fleitz. National Security Advisor John Bolton with the new NSC Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz Fred […]
The Coming Calipate
The Organisation (sic) of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest voting block in the United Nations and is comprised of every Islamic nation on earth – 57 states. The OIC’s Charter states one of its goals is to “promote human rights.” What does the OIC mean by “human rights?” We need to look no further […]