JG Blog


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Where is Suit-Wearing Jihadi Suhail Khan Today?

Prolific suit-wearing jihadi Suhail Khan was in the White House on 9/11.  After officials discovered his father was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader, he was moved out, but found himself back in the fold in a relatively short amount of time, serving two Secretaries of Transportation in the Bush administration. This gave Suhail Khan a […]

Propaganda THEN and NOW

On January 5, 1919 Germany’s National Socialist Party (NAZI) formed as the German Farmers’ Party. When the Nazi party took over power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler created the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment under the rule of Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi’s ability to turn public opinion through its control of the media, […]

Heroic Kansas Legislator Prepares for Next Assignment in the War

Representative Peggy Mast (76th District), the Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas State House, is retiring after nearly 20 years of service to her state and the nation. In the opinion of UTT, Representative Mast understood the threat from the Islamic Movement sooner and demonstrated boldness and tenacity on issues relating to the Islamic threat […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: General Petraeus Wages Civilization Jihad

This week the Federalist published a scathing article about General Petraeus raising questions about his criminal actions by mishandling classified information, the possibility he is an agent of foreign powers – namely the Islamic governments of Saudi Arabia and UAE, as well as Kazakhstan – and that he favors silencing Americans’ right to free speech over […]

Islamic Doctrine Same as ISIS

The oldest and most prestigious school of Islamic jurisprudence is Al Azhar University, founded in Egypt in approximately 970 AD. Al Azhar and its leadership continue to affirm “Jihad,” which it defines as war-fighting against unbelievers (non-Muslims), is obligatory until the world is under Islamic rule. Oddly enough, this is exactly what Al Qaeda, ISIS, […]

As Muslim Jihadi Strikes OSU, Media Drives the Deception Operation

UTT readers know, this war in which we are engaged with the Islamic Movement in the United States is primarily an Information War. A Muslim refugee from Somalia named Abdul Razak Ali Artan is “scared” to pray so he tries to kill non-Muslims on the Ohio State University (OSU) campus with his vehicle and a knife […]

The Space Between Truth and Fantasy is Where The Enemy Wins

Are there two versions of Islam?  Is there radical Islamism which is bad and regular old Islam which is good? For today’s brief but critical lesson, this is what is absolutely important for readers to digest and understand:  the space between (1) the truth about what Islam is and what it teaches and (2) whatever […]

The Duty to Vote

“We electors have an important constitutional power placed in our hands; Let us examine, then, with a sober, a manly . . . and a Christian spirit; let us neglect all party [loyalty] and advert to facts; let us believe no man to be infallible or impeccable in government any more than in religion; take […]

UTT Puts Freedom on the Offensive Where It Belongs

UTT (Understanding the Threat) is the only organization in the nation which provides law enforcement agencies a detailed understanding of the threat from the Global Islamic Movement, investigative techniques to identify and locate jihadi organizations and jihadis (“terrorists”), and UTT is the only organization providing state and local leaders strategies to dismantle the jihadi networks […]

Throwback Thursday: Hillary’s Work for Our Enemies at the OIC

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest voting bloc in the United Nations (UN), and is comprised of all Islamic States on the planet – 56 states plus Palestine which they consider an equal. 57 states.  Ring any bells? The OIC is considered the “Collective Voice of the Muslim World.” In 1993, the OIC […]